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No one is growing old together. We've made it easy to give up. The love people once shared gives a negative reaction. Keeping your promise is rare. She said forever when he gave her the ring and know what does that mean? Our society is being built on the idea of love, But in reality, every girl is sitting on a pile of broken pieces of their hearts. When and how can you tell if the love you have is real? Hopefully my story will help you decide.

I am a small town Louisiana girl. Only fourteen and about to meet the high school. Me and my friends are crazy. I hate to admit it but we sure do have a fun time. We cook pot sometimes at this old abandoned barn by Westly's Chicken. I feel bad about this but what else is there to do for fun around this small town. Play checkers? Nope, I'm not spending my waking hours with my head in the game. I am an only child now. I was born with an older brother. He was my whole life, my best friend. He was only two years older but I felt like he was so wise. He shared everything with me. He also made sure I wasn't that kid who everybody picked on. He turned my whole life around.

When I was ten, he was out playing with the new neighbor. He was a fine young boy. the snow was falling down thick that night and my brother, Kendly, was teaching him how to bum slide. You sit on a trash can top and slide down mount fog. They call it mount fog because it is so foggy there all year round that they had to shut it down. Cars can no longer legally drive down it but us kids love to play on it. Anyway, the new kid, Braxton, he was my age and a little inexperienced because he was from sunny California. He slid down first and fell of his trash can lid half way down. My brother ran down after him to stop him from rolling down the thick, lumpy hill but after he had stopped him he slipped on a rock and started rolling.

Me and my father had to scrape his remains from the pavement after Braxton came back screaming in horror of the accident. I was filled with pain for two years until i was thirteen. Now i just feel numb. My parents are divorced and my mother died shortly after it happened. Everyone gossips about my father killing her so I don't have many friends. My dad works very hard and for a bunch of shifts so he is barely around. That's ok though because when we are together it just reminds us.

I have a group of people that I see almost every waking moment of my life. Braxton, Bo, Zoe, and Steven. Me and Braxon mourned together over Kendly's death. Now we feel like we are siblings. All of us really. I'm Julie. My friends just call me Jules though. Bo is the prettiest one in our group. She has long, brown, strait hair and paints her face with makeup every morning. She doesn't care about her reputation though so she messes around with guys. I think that is pretty stupid but who am I to judge. I love her all the less. Zoe is sweet but is learning all the wrongs things from Bo. I just wish she would be careful because she is also a pretty young woman who I think will go far in life.

Steven drinks and unlike us, is never off weed so he is either passed out at one of our houses so he won't have to go home and get beaten by his father, or making out with his boyfriend. And yes he's gay but he's no less respective than you or me. Braxton has sandy blond hair like me and is still very, VERY, attractive. I don't want to date him though because it would just be weird and mess up our group. Besides I'm too ugly for anybody to love me. I know we seem like the troubled group and it's kind of true but I do pretty well in school when I bother to try. We all usually make A/B honor roll because our eighth grade classes are fairly easy.

Today after school we decided to go to the meadow and have a pick nick. Steven is bringing some pot, Braxton is bringing some chicken wings, Zoe is bringing nothing like usual, and Bo is bringing some cookies and some lemonade. School ends in five minutes and I can't help but stair at the clock. "Jules!" I hear some one whispering at me. I twitch my head back and forth trying to find who the noise came from. I don't see any one looking at me. "Jules!" this time the direction of the noise is clearer. I turned my head around to look behind me. It was Braxton. I should have known. "what?!?" I whispered back trying not to get in trouble two minutes before school ends. I really don't want detention today. He passes me a note and said "read it fast! Pass it back to me after you reply." he did his signature cheeky smile that consumes his whole face. I gave him a sarcastic look and turned back around to open the note.

I looked back up at the teacher to make sure she didn't see me. She would take up the note and read it, and I felt like this wasn't a good note to be read aloud. I was kind of nervous because Braxton was always a flirt, a clown, and said some pretty strange things sometimes.

Dear Jules,

The back of your head looks so sexy today. How do you get it like that? Anyway, my mom said you could spend the night tonight after the picnic if you want. I rented that new movie about the convict who escapes prison. :D

- Braxton

Ok, it's not what it seems like. We don't mess around or anything and we are not together but we have just become so close to each other after the death that we spend the night at each others houses sometimes. Just sleep that's it. And our parents don't Mind. It's just like a normal sleepover with your girlfriend.

Dear B,

Shut up! And sure. Did you really get that movie? Cause for real it's a deal breaker. Haha just kidding.

- Jules

The bell rang above me and everyone shuffled in their seats. I passed the letter back to Braxton and watch him read it. He looked up and smiled at me. We stood together and gathered our things. After we had all been to our lockers, we met outside the school and walked to the meadow.

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