Chapter 23

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~~Julie's POV~~

I sat in the trunk of the big, flashing car. It was starting to attract crowds of worried or curious citizens. Tears flooded my face but i couldn't control them or the shaking. I just let them be and tried to understand myself. Ive never really been so emotional. Even after the deaths of nearly all of my family members.

"You ok?"

"Yeah." I lied. "What about you?"

"Um...i don't know."

"You'll be fine."

"I know."

He shrugged it off and scratched the back of his neck.


I looked at him in response.

"Why did you do that?"


"You hugged that man?"

"I......i remembered something."

"What'd you remember ?"

"Pay it forward."

"Whats that?"

"Right after my mom died, on the first day that i got out of the house, i was going to the supermarket to get some necessities while dad was at work."


"It was hard. Seeing everyone so happy and knowing i would never have a mom ever again."

He looked down and stared at his thighs.

"I was on the street walking home after i payed for all of my groceries."


"This masked man tried to snatch my purse. All of my savings were in that purse. I know it was stupid of me to keep it all in there but now i had to help support my family."

"Why haven't you ever mentioned this before."

"I felt no need to."

He looked down.

"Anyway, he tried to pull it from me and i fought back. I got injured pretty badly and didn't have any money to go to the hospital. As i walked home cradling all of my bag less groceries because my bag had broken when he jumped me. I walked down the street without a purse, and i caught a woman's eye." I could feel myself start to tear up.

"If this is too hard for you, you don't have to talk about it."

I ignored his offer and continued because this was too important to matter if i felt like telling it or not. "The woman approached me and offered me aid. She helped me into her shelter and doctored me up. But instead of taking my offer of paying her back as soon as i made the money, she proposed an idea to me.

'Pay it forward' she said. 'Do one good deed for three other people and tell each one of them to do the same. Don't break the chain.' She said. I gave a girl my juice box at lunch one time in fourth grade and i let the new kid use my crayons. I forgot about it for a while because i couldn't figure out any other deeds to do. But when i saw those innocent people lying on the ground dying in there own blood, i remembered and i knew i had to do something. I did it to help all of those people and i did it for the man. He was my last good deed."

I wiped away the tears and looked over to see Braxton's expression. He was speechless.

"Lets go find Cody ok?" I stated more than questioned really.


We stood and approached the policemen for approval to leave.

"Are you Julie Whitherington?" A police man questioned.


"We just wanted to let you know that you did a great deed and we have captured the man. If you ever need any favors, heres my card."

"Where is he?"

"Excuse me?"

"Where is he?"

"You are safe now don't worry."

"Can i talk to him?"

"Im sorry mam but I'm afraid you cant do that."

"Can this be my favor please? Its important."

The police officers guided me to a big van with a barred window in the back after contemplating whether to let me. He unlocked the door to reveal him heavily handcuffed and being interrogated.

"Humph." The officer escorting me cleared his throat to get the investigators attention.

"What the hell do you think your doing officer?" Yelled the investigator.

"Just give us a moment please." The officer said sarcastically.

I talked to the man but not alone. I guess i would have been scared of that anyway. I explained to him what he had to do and why i did what i did. I felt like i needed to for him to be effected. I cant say if he will continue the chain or break it but i know that i did my part. Thats all that matters to me.

~~the next morning~~

Allot had occurred in the past day. I don't even know if i could adopt Cody now even if we did find him because of the complications. We had searched all around for him last night. I guess it was dark and he was afraid and he probably just found somewhere to stay for the night. Maybe he was gone before the incident even started or maybe he escaped it. But if he had escaped, how? And if he had been gone before, how would he have been allowed to leave the hospital. He wouldn't have been.


This is too suspicious to even ponder over.

My dad was pretty mad at me at first when i got home but he can never stay that way. We are all each other has. He was proud of me but also worried for me. He told me that he almost had a heart attack when he saw the news about the hospital i was staying at. He made me hold him in a tight hug for what seemed like an hour. I didn't mind though. It felt good to hold someone that i knew would always love me no matter what. No matter who else comes along. I am his only child now and you cant replace that kind of love. It is the same way the other way around. He is my only parent and always will be now unless he dies too.


I searched the house expecting to find him off to work but to my dismay, he was still asleep in his bed. I had woken up early because of horrible nightmares. I slipped into bed with him and cuddled up into his big, fat belly.

"Are you hungry honey?" He said startling me.

"I thought you were asleep."

"Are you kidding. How could i sleep? The nightmares where unimaginable."

I smiled because i knew he would always understand me.

"Mine too."

"Lets go get some breakfast sweetie."

"Yay! Can we have waffles?"

Anyone who really knows me, knows that that is my ultimate favorite food.

"Really?" He said jokingly.

"Waffle house!!!! please?"

"Lets do it!"

I always admired my dad's good spirit and willingness to do anything.

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