Chapter 15

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Horrible sickness filled my senses. I could feel myself growing nauseous. I began vomiting all over his room. I forced it down the best i could and made my way over to where Braxton's was. He was holding a sharp, choppy edged kitchen knife in one hand and a bleeding wrist lay on the other side of his body. His eyes where starting to roll back into his head and his eyelids heavily started to fall down over them. "BRAXTON! WHERES THE PHONE?!!? WHERES THE PHONE BRAXTON?" I yelled at him but he was too far gone to respond. I tore his room apart as quickly as i could but i still didn't find a phone. I ran through the upstairs, my eyes darting around.

"WHERE'D YOU HIDE IT???" I yelled with rage even though i knew i wouldn't get a response.

My feet pattered down the stairs and to the dining area. I snatched the home phone off of the hook and quickly dialed the numbers '911'.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" The lady said calmly on the other end of the line. Why is she calm? How could she be calm?

"My boyfriend just tried to kill himself. He is so close to dying, please send an ambulance!!!" I screamed into the receptor.

I quickly hung up, knowing that her response wouldn't matter and then i remembered she didn't have his address. I quickly dialed back and was put on hold. I hung up and dialed again.

"I just called about my boyfriend! My address is 1723 blubbery street! Please, please hurry!!"

I preceded back up the steps to his room bringing with me a perfectly clean, white towel. I ran to him and tightly rapped it around his wrist so tightly that it was making him flinch. I had to stop the blood flow.

Then, in that moment of holding him, i realized what i had called him on the phone. My boyfriend. Did i still think if him that way? Was he still mine? I love him.

"I love you Braxton" i whispered to him although he was not able to hear me.

I heard a loud thud from downstairs and i tightened my grip on Braxton. I knew it was the paramedics but i didn't want them to take away my precious, perfect baby, Although i knew they had to in order to fix him. I closed my eyes and waited.

~2 hours later~

I sat in the hospital right outside of room 345. Braxton's room. I was sitting in a chair they placed their for me because i wouldn't wait in the waiting room and they wouldn't let me go in his room. I fiddled with my fingers and looked down with starry eyes. The tears welled up in them. I heard footsteps toward me and i figured it was the doctor but when i looked up it was a boy about my age.

"Im cody." He said extending his hand.

He was friendly but i wouldn't, describe him as happy.

"Im julie, " i said trying to be nice but my voice still wreaked of sorrow.

"Who are you visiting?" He asked very concerned of me.

I hesitated before i answered.

"My best friend." I said still looking down.

He grabbed my chin gently in his hand and tilted up my face so that our eyes met. He stared at me for a while and i was going to say something but i was too busy melting in his eyes.

"What happened?" He asked kind of dazed.

I snapped out of my trance and began to answer.

"Suicide attempt." I admitted. "What about you, why are you here?"

"I am here for my mom. She.......she..." He looked down and wiped his eye quickly.

"Her cancer spread." He confessed.

I immediately gathered him into a tight, firm hug. I felt his tears graze my bare shoulders as they fell with gravity. After a couple minutes i pulled him away from me and looked into his eyes. I felt attracted to him. He was extremely hansom. Actually i think the word would be sexy. He looked into me and it felt as if he looked past my eyes and even deeper.

"Whats your mom's name?" I asked.

"Sky." He said. "Shes just as beautiful as the sky. ...... But i think you are more beautiful."

I blushed and looked down.

"You are the first person i have ever said that to. Felt that about.....and we just met." He said.

I looked back up at him.

"Yeah.....we did." I know i sounded stupid but it sounded romantic in the moment.

Then he kissed me. Cody, the boy i just met and don't even know, kissed me while i am visiting my boyfriend at the hospital. But Braxton wasn't my boyfriend. Braxton cheated on me. I may still love him, but it could only be as a friend. And maybe he doesn't love me. As i contemplated all these things in my head i was still kissing cody. It began to deepen and grow physical. His hands traveled from my lower back to a little farther down. Mine grasped his hair firmly. I felt his hand graze my bum before it went back up to my back. He hesitated before he grabbed my butt again and squeezed it. My heart raced with pleasure.

"Excuse me." Said a deep voice. I looked up to see a doctor looking figure.

"Oh sorry," i said, my cheeks burning. "My name is doctor Riley, can we discuss About your friend for a moment in private before you can visit him?" He asked more like a statement.

"Of course!" I said exerting embarrassment.

I turned to cody and looked at his face. He was looking at me with concern.

"What room number? Ill come by later." I stated.

"Ill meet you in the waiting room at 5:00" he told me before he disappeared down the hall.

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