Chapter 13

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I woke up as late as I could. I wanted to sleep forever. My best friend, the boy who helped me get over my family's deaths, turns out to be a massive cheat and a huge fake. I hate love! HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT! I started crying but I knew I would have to get out of bed. As I slipped out of the covers I slowly walked to my closet. I picked out some short shorts and a tight fitting, comfortable t shirt with my new vans. I slipped them on and stepped down the many stairs. My dad was in the kitchen making eggs and bacon with toast.

"hi honey, sleep well? You hungry?" he asked.

"no and no thanks. Sorry dad. I just.... Hurt to bad to eat. I'm sorry."

"oh honey. I feel bad for you I really do. I know he loves you though. I can see it in him."

"thanks dad, but if that were true than why would he get by on pleasures with my best friend. Our best friend. He's nothing but a huge *****" as much as I hated cussing, I felt now was super appropriate.

"Jules." I know your hurting but don't, please.

The reason we both hating cussing so much is because my moms boss used to cuss. After a long hard day at work, my mother would come home and cuss because of that jerk who taught her how and turned her soul dark.

"I'm sorry." I said shamefully.

After my dad left for work, I grabbed my over the shoulder bag and journeyed down the street to Zoe's house. I rung the door bell hoping she would answer and embrace me into a huge, massive, fake hug. Even though I didn't want it from her, I needed the comfort from some one and that is all I can get. Still, she is my best friend and she slept with my boyfriend. I feel hurt. Conflicted. She must have a reason for helping him break my heart. She opened the door slightly and peaked her head out to see who I was.

"hey Zo." I said a little miserable.

"come in, come in." she said while rushing me in the door to the couch.

"Zoe please, can you just tell me and imagine that I don't already know." I said.

"what?... I don't.... I.... What do you mean?" she questioned.

"please," I said, a tear escaping my eye.

She gulped and turned to face the wall.

"Jules,........... Isleptwithyourboyfriend." she blurted out really fast. I didn't want her to say it again, but I couldn't understand her.


"Jules, I slept with Braxton. But it's not what it looks like! I know I fool around but I would never do it with him if it wasn't for you!"

"what do you mean?" I screamed loudly, full of anger. I didn't make her do it.

"he came to me for advice. Asking me how. A practice! That's it! Just practice!" then she looked away from my face and down at the floor. "it hurt me too. I shouldn't have. It may be his." she said very quietly. Almost a whisper.

"I don't know what to do, to say. I.....I have to go." I said rushing for the door. "I'll...... See you tomorrow?" I said. "at the movies?"

She smiled at me.

"thank you Jules. I know it's hard to forgive a mistake this big."

I smiled and walked thought the door frame.

I walked down to Bo's house next to apologize again. I didn't plan on pouring my problems out to her, but i guess i did. She comforted me, forgave me, and told me about her plans to get an artificial arm. I told her I would support her through everything. We spent the day together and did tons of fun things. It was finally time to go home. I said my goodbyes and walked through the midnight atmosphere, slowly. As I turned the last corner to my home, full of emotion, I saw someone there on my porch. It was too dark to see them so I froze for a while letting my eyes adjust. After a pointless minute of failure, I walked up closer to see who it was, hoping it wasn't here to harm me. Then I saw him. It was.........


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