Chapter 9

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I sat on the stairs of a nearby motel. Strangers pass me and glance down. I have tears streaming down my face and i am breathing heavily. I guess i can kinda tell i was causing a big scene but i didn't care. My heart was broken. I feel ashamed because i thought that he was different. He was nicer, sweeter, better, more respectable than all of the other boys. I was wrong. All boys are the same. They don't care about you or you relationship. They don't care about your feelings or reputation. They just tell you sweet sweet lies. Sweet nothing's just to get you in bed.

"Why me?" I whispered to myself in agony.

"Why me?" I said louder this time and a few heads turned.

"WHY ME?" i screamed now drawing the attention of everyone near me.

I continued to sit on the steps waiting on my dad to come although i knew that it would take him hours to arrive. By that time it would be dark. I just wanted to be with him. With my only family. In his arms. If Kendly was here he would help me cope. He would take care of me and hold me in his arms. He would punish Braxton but not physically. I wouldn't want that. He would help me get over it, he would teach me how.

"Kendly please help!" I pleaded to him probably sounding like a crazy woman.

A man began to approach me and i started to feel uneasy about this. He sat down on the same step as me, inched away from my upper thigh.

"Can i help you?" I asked.

"I think the question is, can i help you?" He said in a deep raspy voice. He was an older man with allot of facial hair but no hair on his head.

"I don't need help. Im sorry if i disturbed you." I said wanting to get up and disappear out of his sight.

"Is it a boy? Family? Best friend?" He questioned feeling as if he could help me.

"Really, its none of your worries. Ill be fine." I said trying to sound convincing.

"So you just sit on the curb screaming to yourself for fun?" He said kind of sarcastically but very calmly and serious.

"No. I do have a problem. Its just not your problem." I said now sounding annoyed.

"Listen, i know you feel creeped out by me because i am old man stalking a young girl. But its not like that. I just wanted to tell you that your brother loves you and he wishes he could be here with you to help you. I know you think I'm crazy but Kendly really does miss you. He wishes he could be here for every moment of your life. And Braxton, he doesn't mean what he said. I think the inner stupid teenage boy is seeping through to the surface. Go back to him. He's waiting on you. And trust me when i say, you are the most important thing in the world to him. He really loves you."

Then the man stood and walked away as if nothing ever happened. My mind was blown but if he knew my brother up in heaven i had to believe him. I pulled out my phone and dialed my father.


"Im just about to leave the house! Ill be there as soon as i can!"

"No dad, I'm going back to the hotel. I worked it out with Braxton and we are fine. Ill see you Saturday. And dad, i love you!"

"Are you sure honey? I can come! I just don't want him to hurt you and i knew this would happen! This is what i was afraid-"

"-dad. Im fine."

"Honey are you sure i knew this would happen! This is why i didn't want you to go-"


"I love you too honey"

"Ill see you soon dad."



I pressed the red button and began to sprint back to the hotel hoping to find Braxton. As i ran passed the barefoot beach bar, i glanced in making sure he didn't still remain there. But i saw someone else. It was the old man who had given me advise on the stairs. He was drinking a thick, glass mug of beer. He tipped it at me and waved me on my way. And as i drifted by the sandy floored seafood place i could hear him yell at me.


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