Who new movie night was this hard.

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Aries's Pov

"So guys we have a new guy so be nice. I don't think he's used to this". I say as I sit down on the couch next to Scorp. "What movie do you wanna watch".

A minute later Cancer starts walking down the stairs. I jump up to walk over to him. "Okay so I know its a lot but let me try to introduce everyone". I start on one side of the couch and start naming everyone. "So you already know Leo and Sag but that's Gemini then Virgo then Libra. You already know Aqua and Pisces. That's Scorpio than you know Taur and Cap. Just take a seat and get ready to watch a movie".

Everyone waves or says hi but I can see he's overwhelmed as he sits next to Taurus. I want him to have fun here that's the whole point. I sit back next to Scorp and grab the remote. "How about we watch the Hunger Games". Aqua suggests. "No we've watched that before". Leo responds.

"What about Scream" Scorpio suggests "we all like that". 

"Any objections". I ask. When nobody speaks up I put on Scream. I like the movie scream plus Billy's hot.

About thirty minutes into the movie Gemini got up and walked into the kitchen. She came back with some food which was really needed.

We had gotten to the saddest part in the whole movie when Tatum died. "She didn't deserve it she should have been final girl". Gemini cries out. Which is kinda funny cause Gemini reminds me of Tatum quite a lot. 

"Honestly Billy covered in blood is sexy".

"Libra shut up". 

"Its true".

Honestly I agreed with Libra.

But eventually the movie had to end. "What now", I ask.

"Can we watch The Hunger Games". Aqua asks.

"If we watch the Hunger Games will you shut up about it".


"Hunger Games it is".

Libra puts it on. I enjoyed the books and the movies so It didn't really bother me but Aqua was like obsessed. I think the Hunger Games was the only book he ever read. 

Around the halfway point I was getting sleepy and I think Taurus was too. She was starting to doze off while I just laid my head on Scorp's Shoulder. He moved so I was on his chest and I gotta admit it was nice, I wouldn't ever tell him that though. 

Scorpio's Pov

Aries laid her head on my shoulder and I didn't really mind but because of the angle I knew that would hurt her neck so I shifted so she wouldn't be sore. And I swear that was the only reason. 

I saw that Taurus was also sleeping on Cap and that Cap looked pretty annoyed by it. Most of the others were either on there phone or watching the movie. I saw Virgo had a book open on his phone and I also realized that Leo had left. How I missed that I have no idea.

I started running my hair through Aries hair because it was relaxing and maybe because I liked it.

Soon the movie ended and people started getting up.

"What are we gonna do about Sleep Beauties over here". I hear Pisces ask.

"I'll take Aries, she's already laying on me". I say

"Good Job Scorp".

I see Cancer looking like he's debated picking up Taurus but he didn't even have a chance as Gemini picked her up. He looked kind of defeated about it but I wasn't going to ask him about it. I don't really like serious guy talk time. I put an arm under Aries knees and carry her up the stairs. She nuzzles into my chest and god its adorable.

I walk over to her door, open it and walk over to her bed. I sit her down trying to be gentle. I was walking away when she says "Thanks Scorp" under her breath and I smile. I go to sleep that night like a baby. 

Okay Thats the 2nd chapter edited and I think its a lot better than the first. Hoped u enjoyed. 

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