Camping Part 3

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Taurus Pov

When I wake up, Aqua is already awake and in the shower. I quickly get out of bed and put some clothes on, just a basic tee and shorts. I walk downstairs to most of the others wake and eating. I also see frosted flakes, unlucky charms and vegetable pebble.

I get some good old unlucky charms and sit down. Like they always are their watching tv while most of them are on their phone. I look over and see Aries reading a book and Cancer playing what I think is clash of clans.

"I've got it, today we should have a scavenger hunt. Do groups of three to find stuff in the woods. For groups we can just do fire signs, earth signs etc". Sag looked so happy as he said that, looking at everyones faces to see their reaction.

I'm not gonna make him sad. "That would be great Sag lets do it. Everyone go get ready".

I walk back upstairs to grab shoes. Aqua is out of the shower but it looks like he is trying to find his shirt. To be honest I never found him attractive but tons of my friends outside of my friend group have said so. Maybe I don't like him because Cap and me are such good friends and I couldn't find my self loving her brother.

I see one of his shirts on the floor and throw it to him. "Hey dingus were going to do a scavenger hunt by sign so hurry up and get dressed".

I sit on the bed and put my shoes on, there just basic white converse. After Aqua gets ready we walk downstairs together. Most everyone but the Fire Signs are there.

A few minutes later they come down all three of them having a backpack that was fully packed. "What do you guys have planned". Virgo kinda looks scared, and I am too, putting the fire signs together is scary.

"Oh nothing, we also created the lists for each group". Aries walks around and gives each group a paper. The one she gives me, Cap, and Virgo is a full page long with tons of different things on it.

We all walk outside and stop right before the woods. "Ready, set, go". After that everyone was off.

Most of the stuff was easy and maybe because we were in the forest as Earth Signs maybe thats why. The next thing on our list was a yellow flower.  We found some yellow daisies around a oak tree. I kneeled down to pick it up. Thats when it happened.

We were the first ones to find out what the fire signs were planning. We didn't even have time to think. We were just a picking a flower that we had to find. Then something hits my back thats freezing and yeah I scream.

Because we weren't expecting it we all get wet really quickly. Virgo flips them off while they run away laughing at us. Caps hair which was in a high pony was now soaked and all tangled. I was already sorry for her because I hate when mine does that.

We walk back to the cabin cause none of us want to play soaked. We all go to our rooms and get changed, luckily I brought tons of clothes because I knew things like this would happen. I walk back downstairs and go outside. I sit down on the grass next to Virgo and Cap. We just sit there and talk while waiting for the others.

Leo Pov

We were walking around trying to find the other groups. We all had bags full to the brim with water balloons. I was kinda getting discouraged when we couldn't find anyone.

"Don't look so sad Leo we will find them soon". Aries was trying to cheer me up.

Thats when we spotted them.

They weren't even looking. We hit Taurus first and she literally screamed. Sag was throwing his head back laughing. Aries than threw a water ballon at Virgo and Sag threw one at Cap. They look around till they see us.

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