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July 12

"Ughhhhhh, no one even reads".

"Sag shut up. Maybe if you start reading you will learn that its great". Sag and Cap were walking around the young adult section. Aries and Scorpio were near them but farther down. Pisces, Cancer and Taurus were at the kids section. Libra and Leo were at the romance section. Virgo and Gemini were at the computers. Most Importantly Aquarius had gotten kicked out and was sitting outside.

He had to remind us every five seconds by texting us in the group chat.

The Group Chat

Virgo's Children

Ram- Aqua shut up

Waterman- I can't I'm out here dying. I would even read if it meant I could go back inside.

Aqua Lad- I say we protest tell he can come back in.

Knock off mom- I say you focus on finding a book which is the point of the library.

Gossip- Your not our mom

Gossip- I say we should protest.

Mom- Thats cause you want to see a fight.

Gossip- No I dont.

Aqua lad- Let Aqua in, let Aqua in

Waterman- Let me in, let me in.

End of Group Chat

The Group Chat Nicknames

Aries - Ram

Taurus - Tree Lover

Gemini - Knock off Fire Sign

Cancer - Newbie

Leo - Lion

Virgo - Mom

Libra - Gossip

Scorpio - Scorpion

Sag - Hottest Fire Sign (he choose that name)

Cap - Knock off mom

Aqua - Waterboy

Pisces - Aqua lad

Back to the Story

Virgo puts down his phone and gets back to the computer. "What are you even doing".

"I'm playing the little kid games they always have on the computers". Gemini replies.

"Why, and why did you bring me".

"Because, I don't want to look at books and I didn't want to be alone either".

"Aww you choose me. Out of everyone in our group".

She lightly punches him on the arm and covers her blush. "Don't be to happy about it".


Aries and Scorpio were looking at the dystopian books.

"The tons of food game games, The Road Runner, Not Hungry, Killing People Weapon. I've read most of these". Aries was running her finger across the spines of the book.

"You could try reading a different type of book".

"Like what your reading? You want me to read The Summer I Turned Ugly".

"Don't judge, and we can read it than rant to each other about it. Cause I know how much you like to rant to people about books but they don't like it cause they haven't read the book but now you can".

"Thats actually kinda sweet Scorp".


Cancer, Taurus and Pisces were looking at the kids section. Cancer and Pisces were playing with the little kids table that has lots of weird things to do like legos and kinetic sand.

Taurus was watching them with an Woman who was watching a kid who was playing with Cancer and Pisces.

"Are they yours". the woman asks taurus

"Yeah, sadly".

"Taurus can we go get food". Pisces looked at Taurus with puppy dog eyes

I really want to go cry was the only thing in Taurus head.


Libra and Leo were standing Infront of the Romance Section.

"This looks good. Its hockey x Ice skater". Libra holds up a book called Un-Icebreaker and shows it to Leo.

"Yeah looks good". Leo grabs a random book from the shelf.

"Oh don't you wish you could fall in love, go on dates, have someone who actually cares about you".

"That would be great. But nothing would ever be as good as the romance in books. I wish I could fall in love". Leo puts the book back on the shelf and walks over to Cap and Sag, Libra following behind.


"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I just want to go inside. I'm so so bored". Aquarius was lying down on the bench outside complaining about how he was kicked out and how he was bored and lots of other crap.

Back in the Library, those who got books were checking them out while the others had left to join aqua outside.

"Wow you guys finally come rescue me". Aquarius rolls over onto his back to the bench.

"Its more as we were bored". Pisces says as he goes to sit down next to Aqua.

They all talk about random things till the others come out.

"Okay guys, my group is going to stop by the grocery store the rest of you are going to go home". Virgo claps his hands. Everyone gets up and goes to their cars and goes home.

Yeah its just a quick short chapter.

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