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Ok this is going to be weird but some of the book may be in 3rd or first but comment if like you dont like that ig. But to the story.

Aries Pov

As I slammed my hand on the alarm clock to get it to stop I noticed it was 7 am. Why the fuck did I set my alarm for 7 am. Thats when I remembered that me and Virgo had to plan for out big surprise but first that meant breakfast. After sitting in bed for about 10 minutes wondering was it really worth getting up, I put on a cropped light pink shirt and jean shorts. I looked at my navy blue walls and then I walked downstairs.

Like I had thought Virgo was already there. "You started cooking yet" I asked him. "Not yet, but I can now that you're here. I'll start the eggs if you start the pancakes". So while he started getting ready to start cooking the eggs I got the stuff for the pancakes.

 I had already cooked 10 when I asked Virgo "How many do we need". "How about making like 20 then starting on the bacon. I made a lot of eggs because you know Leo will eat them all" he replied back. So I made another 10 pancakes. But a very important thing I didn't do what Virgo did because he's in charge I'm the leader I just agreed with him so thats why I did it. Oh wait, I realized I was talking to myself in my head again, I do that a lot. People tell me to stop I just can't though.

I was cooking the bacon when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Of course, Pisces and Aquarius smelled the bacon" I said.  As soon as I said that they both walked through the door. 

Pisces was the first to speak "Bacon, what are you to planning". "Yeah, you only make bacon when you guys are either really happy or planning something big" Aquarius added on. "So whats up" Pisces asked.

 "Nothing until later tonight, when the whole gang is here" Virgo told them to get them to shut up. "Can we have the bacon" they both said. "You guys love bacon way to much. I will give each of you one piece before if you set the table" I replied.

After they set the table, I got to give them credit they did really good. I give them each a very small piece if bacon. "What else", Pisces asked. "You and me need to go wake everyone up. Virgo and Aquarius need to put the food on the table. And don't take any food Aquarius" I told them. So I tell Pisces to wake up the Leo, Libra, Taurus and Cancer and I would get Scorpio, Gemini, Sag and Cap. 

I tell him to not scare them because then we cant wake up the other funnily because the person being woke up would scream. "Oh come on I want to scare Leo" he told me. "You can, she just has to be the last won to wake up and I gotta record it" I replied back to him.

As he walked up he stairs to wake up Cancer I went to the right of the hallway to wake up Cap And Gemini. I woke up Gemini first because she can help me wake up the others. I just played an quiet alarm at her ear and covered her mouth to make sure she wouldn't scream. "Why are you waking me up this early". "We have food, you dumbo. Help me wake the others" I replied back.

 After she joined me I went to go wake up Cap. Because I did not want to die I just shook her awake. "We have food if you go downstairs" I told her. She replied with "Ok".

Next was the boys I told Gemini to go wake up Sag and I was going to wake up Scorp. As I walk into his room, I go to his bed and whisper into his ear "Scorp wake up someone broke into the house and has already got the others its only you and me". Of course he wakes up to that, he jumps up. 15 seconds later we hear a scream.

 "Of course Pisces woke up Leo without letting me record it" I said. "What is going on, who's dead is it Aquarius I hope its Aquarius" I look over at him kinda confused. "What" He asks me. "Never mind Leo woke you up. Breakfast is done so come on down".

As Scorpio and me are about to go into the dining room we see Pisces running through the kitchen. "Hide me Scorpio. Hide me" he says as he comes running to hide behind Scorps.

 Thats when Virgo came in to save the day "everyone sit down and eat so Aries and me can tell you your surprise. So everyone sits down. Sag speaks up and asks "Whats this surprise you guys got". "You want to tell them or do you want me to" Virgo asks me.

 "I'll do it. Because we have a new person living here and me and Virgo decided that there is a waterpark near here and we are going tomorrow. We can also go today to the mall to get what ever we need" I tell the whole group. 

"Oh yeah, Oh yeah" Pisces and Aquarius start saying. Of course those two want to go to the waterpark. Virgo then says "So everyone eat and I already picked groups. And then we can leave"

So everyone hurried up and got changed into better clothes.

Thats the end the mall and trip will be the next chapter. Please vote and comment your thoughts. see you next time.

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