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June 29

"Okay everyone get in a circle on the floor. Sag and Scorpio push the couch and anything else away so we have a big space". Aries walks downstairs and walks into the kitchen.

The boys listen to her and start moving the furniture around while everybody else sits down. Aries comes back from the kitchen with some cookies and sits down in the circle with everyone else.

"Because summer is already halfway over and I need some embarrassing videos to show to random people. We are doing some of the classics like truth or dare, spin the bottle or even kiss marry kill. Because with you guys anything will probably end up bad but really funny.  I got this app that has all of us as players and has some truth and dares. I got recommended this so its suppose to be good".

"Taurus your up first, truth or dare".


"Who do you think has the best sense of humor in the room".

"I would have to go with Sag".

"Yeah I'm the best we all know it". Sag was pumping his arms up and down.

"Ok sure sure. Gemini your up next". Aries is trying to keep everyone on the game.

"Dare duh".

"Pretend to be someone in the room and have us guess".

Gemini stands up in the middle of the circle. "Oh my god guys follow the rules. I do not want to have 11 children. Guys rules are great so follow them". She had her hand on her hip and was shaking her hips.

"Virgo". Everyone says besides Virgo.

"This games mean".

"Don't be a wimp Virgo. And I'm next I guess. I chose dare and it says I have to do the next persons dare with them".

"Please let it be bad". Scorpio had his hands like he was praying.

Back to Aries, "Cance is up next".


"Who is most likely to turn to cannibalism to survive the apocalypse".

"I feel like Virgo would go crazy and freak out then start eating people".

"Why is everyone being mean to me, what did I do".

"I have to agree with Cancer. Libra your next"


"Pass your fun to the person on your right your phone and let them post any photo or video on you insta. Wait does that mean I have to do it too".


Libra passes her fun to Sag and Aries passes her to Leo. Sag chooses a video of him doing a backflip because he thinks it makes him cool. Leo decides that since Sag posted that, she will post a video of him sleeping with a milk mustache on the couch.

"Okay Sag its your turn. Truth or dare".


"Lick the bottom of your shoe".

Sag takes of his shoe and puts it near his mouth. Everyone is chanting do it do it. And surprisingly he does it.

"That was disgusting".

"But hey it was funny. Pisces your next".


"This is going to be funny. Give Scorpio a back rub for all of the next round". Aries gets out her phone and starts recording.

"Aww come here Scorpio baby, relax those shoulders". He walks over to the boy who looks extremity uncomfortable. 

"Gemini your next you have to speak in an accent of sags choosing for 30 seconds". 

"Do a British accent, those are always funny'.

"Oh come along kids we have to catch the train. Oh give me the tea, I'm so British and all I like is tea", Gemini says is a British accent as she walks around the room her hands on her hips.  

"Who wants to read now I'm kinda bored at reading. Oh and Sag you can stop rubbing Scorp's shoulders".

"I guess I'll do it". Virgo stands up and grabs the phone from Aries. "Your up next Aries, and I'm assuming dare". The girl nods her head. "Then you have to put your arms out and walk in a straight line like the police do as tests for drunk people". 

Aries gets up and tries it and fails. "Its a lot harder than you guys think". 

"Or your drunk", Scorpio says.

"Anyway, Libra's up next". 


"Ok do you want to get married and if yes who would you want to get married to out of everyone in this room".

"Uh yes I want to get married and I think I would marry Leo. She's pretty, smart, athletic, and tons of other stuff".

"Oh Libra I would love to get married to you too". Leo gets down on one knee in front of Libra and pretends to show a ring.

"Hey Lovebirds get back to the game". Aries says while pointing the camera at them. 

"Actually that gives me an idea who wants to play spin the bottle, but if neither of them want to kiss you have to either drink or take off a piece of clothing". Sag stands up to go to the kitchen to get two bottles, one to drink out of and one to spin. 

Well this is either going to be really bad or funny but probably both, Cancer thinks. 

Next part will have the continuing of the game which I hope will be funny but it probably wont. But I hoped you enjoyed. What's been your favorite part about the book?

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