Camping Part 2

77 2 18

June 21

Capricorn POV

Whoever's idea it was to have the girls and boys sleeping together is crazy. And if I could find out who it is I would punch them.

I had picked the short popsicle stick as I had to share with Sag. He's not the craziest, I would personally give that to my brother Aqua. But he still was a flirt with everyone though.


I wake up around 7 o'clock and get out of bed. Sags not up yet so I try to be quiet because again as I had so lucked out I had to share a bed with someone who would not be afraid to kill you if you waked him up. Or in Sags way, torture you with pranks that would probably cause lots of  trauma to anyone. So I played it safe and was quiet.

I grabbed a pair of black shorts and a plain beige shirt and went to the bathroom to get ready. I first brushed my teeth and hair. I did some skincare, that said skincare being just crave face wash and some moisturizer. I put on my clothes, I don't need to describe that. And then walked downstairs to the living room.

I have to admit that I like the setup of the kitchen living area space. It's open floor so you can see the living room and tv from the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and see the person who does most of are cooking.

"Hey Virgo, how's the food"

"Wow someone else who actually you know wakes up in the morning but the foods fine and you can go take a seat. I'll get you a plate".

I look over at the tv and remember that waking up early has its advantages. "You want to eat in the living room and choose what we want to watch".


I go to the living room and sit down on the couch and grab the remote. Virgo comes in later with two plates. He hands me one then sits down next to me. I had already turned on the tv and was scrolling through channels.

"Uhm. Not much is on but family guys is if you want to watch that"

"I'm so bored so why not".

We were so bored we even started playing game pigeon. And I had found out that Virgo stinks at it. He had lost every single game we played beside 1 and it was a draw.

"How could you lose that much. Thats just sad".

"How did Virgo lose and what are you playing". Aries was walking down the stairs she had a navy blue shirt on with short cargo shorts on. She also had her hair in waves, like she braided it the night before.

"Lets just say I'm not the best at Game Pigeon. Also I made eggs and there in the oven if you want me to get you some".

"Please I'm so hungry". Aries walks to one of the armchairs while Virgo gets off the couch and goes to the kitchen.

He comes back later with a plate and hands it to Aries.

"Thanks mom, and what are we going to do today".

"Since technically your in charge you get to pick". I could already see Virgo regretting that he said that and with one look at Aries I was regretting it too.

Little Time skip

"I don't think this is safe".

"Yeah no kidding Cap. Thats why were doing it and I mean all of us". Aries said while tying a rope to a tree. Did I mention we were on a cliff that drops down into a lake. No, well we are.

"Who's going to die first" I backed up as far from the lake and the drop. I don't wanna die yet.

"I will", and with that Sag went runner grabbed the rope did a flip and landed in the water. Somehow he was alive. "Woo hoo".

After that all the fire signs who have no idea of personal safety went and almost died. Some of the other signs went, a little bit more timidly, Scorpio, Gemini, Libra, Taurus, Aqua even Virgo went.

When it was just down to me and Cancer I wanted him to go first. "No, no ladies first". I looked down at everyone in the water playing or watching us. One thing I noticed is I couldn't see Sag.

You know how I said I couldn't find Sag, well I did when he pushed me off the cliff but at least I took him down with me. Then it was just Cancer up on the cliff and after all lot of our guidance he jumped down.

"Who wants to play chicken".

"Great Idea Sag, we can have a tournament between all of us partner up". Aries swam over to Scorpio and he let her get on his shoulders.

I didn't know who I wanted to be with but when Sag swam over to me, I decided he wouldn't be that bad. Almost everyone just teamed up with whoever they had to share a room with.

"Okay Scorpio and Aries you guys go against Leo and Virgo. Sag and Cap you guys go against Taurus and Aquarius. Cancer and Gemini you guys go against Libra and Pisces. Then the three winners we all go against each other at the same time.

I got on Sag's shoulders since I didn't think I could pick him up. Taurus did the same and got on Aqua's shoulders. We started playing but neither of us really doing anything.

"Guys don't be wimps, fight", Aries was screaming at us. Of course her and Scorpio had already won their round and were watching us play.

I started trying (important word trying) to push Taurus off. She was fighting back but hey maybe I'm stronger than I think. After a big push she falls down into the water.

"Woo hoo we're the best"

Aries and Scorpio are already fighting Libra and Pisces. "Hey Sag don't walk over there yet let them take each other out and then we win".

Back to the fight I see Pisces kick Scorpios knee at the same time Libra pushes Aries off and they both fall.

"Sag walk behind Pisces and dead leg him and while you do that i'll push Libra". Maybe I have some good ideas. He walks over a lot more quietly than I thought he could. While Pisces is celebrating Sag gets a good hit and he goes down at the same time Libra gets pulled down while she doesn't expect it.

"Wow, Sag and Cap won. Never saw that coming". Sag throws me up and then catches me and then I go back in the water.

"You guys want to go eat supper and watch a movie" Aries asks us.

Everyone nods are says something like sure or I guess.

We take a walk through the forest back to the cabin. We go to our rooms to go change and take a shower and stuff like that.

"You want to shower first or can I". I'm just trying to be nice. We just came from a good win.

"We can shower together if you want". Of course I'm blushing but I keep my cool.

"I'll pass you probably don't even have 2 inches". I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. I get in the shower.

                             7 minutes later

I get out of the shower and get dressed in the bathroom. After I leave the bathroom Sag goes in while I go downstairs.

Virgo Pov

Guess who has to cook again. Its not that hard its me. I'm in the kitchen just making ramen because a guy can only cook good food for so long. I make both chicken and beef because I hate sea food so no shrimp.

I put them all in bowls putting the chicken in cream bowls and the beef in red bowls.

"Hey children come get your food". I get a bowl of chicken then head into the living room. Everyone grabs a bowl then sits down. We just put on Disney movies because why not. We watch Aladdin then The little mermaid.

We are get tired so some of us start heading up including me. I go get in bed and about twenty minutes later I hear Leo come in. She gets on the bed and puts her back to me. After that I don't remember much because I go to sleep.

That was a little rushed at the end but I probably will be able to update a lot easier now that its summer.

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