Relax its good for your health

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June 15

Cancer Pov

I woke up kinda early today so I decided I would give Aries the break and would help make breakfast. I put  my clothes on and brushed my teeth and all that other stuff.

When I passed by the girls room I put a note under Aries's door that said I will help with breakfast today -Cancer.

I walk down the stairs one more time and then walk into the kitchen. In there I see Virgo. "You want to help make breakfast today" I nod my head and he jesters with his hand to the eggs.

"What are we going to do today, Virgo". 

"I want some of us to head to the store but besides that just chill here, maybe spend the day in the pool". Again I nod my head.

After about 10 minutes I set the table and put the food on the table. "How are we going to wake them up". I walk back into the kitchen. "Just let me, but cover your ears." I listen and the next thing he does is whistle really loudly. I then here everyone coming down the stairs, everyone expect Aries and Sag.

Everyone sits down and starts eating when Virgo asks "Wheres Aries and Sag". Cap responds with "You know Sag all he likes to do is sleep and Aries wanted to sleep in today."

We all finished eating then most of us went to the living room and someone put on south park. After about 10 minutes Aries came down the steps still looking very tired. She then proceeds to go to the couch and lay down putting her head on a pillow and her feet (with socks) on Leo's lap.

"Which Episode". "Scott Tennerman must die" Leo smacked Aries feet off her "Ah, my favorite".

"Where's everybody else"

"Downstairs in the gaming room. Kinda surprised one hasn't started being a drama queen and starts screaming and running because they lost. Also I'm going to go get food, anyone want anything" Gemini got up and started heading to the Kitchen. "A muffin, but make it chocolate" Aries also put her feet back on Leo and Leo look like she gave up and let her.

Honestly I'm on Leos side, I've only been here for like a week and a half but Aries scares me especially her legends of the scariest pranks.

I guess Gemini was right and about 5 minutes later we heard Pisces come running up and screaming. Aquarius and Scorpio chasing him screaming at him that he lost.

"Who in the world decided to start screaming at 12 o'clock" Sag was on the middle step holding a pillow, still in his night clothes. "I will kill who ever started screaming"

"It was Aqua get him, hurry up Sag he only started screaming because he was mad he lost". Pisces turned around and started chasing Aqua, Sag joined him.

A whistle sound got everyone to look over at the Kitchen and at Gemini. "Everyone shut up and stop chasing each other and Sag get some actual clothes on and everyone stop being annoying".

"Yeah, listen to her. Also who wants to go to the store and get groceries". Virgo went to stand next to Gemini, with his arms crossed.

"I'll do it". "Same". "Thanks, Sag and Cap. At least some people are good".

After Sag got dressed, him, Cap, Gemini, and Virgo got in the car and headed to the store. "Wait guys what if we had a pool party, not a big thing but just why not". Aries jumped up really excited and ran to the pool.

Of course, against our will. We followed her. "Ok, so Cancer and Taurus clean the pool. Pisces and Aqua get the gaming stuff, because you know the boys want to play. Scorpio go get some food. Leo and Libra set up tables, which is where Scorpio needs to put the food."

"What about you, you got to do something".

"I'm supervising. Its a very important job with you idiots". She grabbed a book and her sunglasses and then sat down on one of the chairs. "Go, go work hard".

We all wanted a pool party so all got to work. Me and Taurus grabbed the nets and got all the leaves out of the pool. There weren't that many so we got done quickly. She went to go help Scorpio while I went to go sit with Aries.

"You have a crush on her don't you". She didn't even open her eyes she just knew it was me.

"I don't have a crush on her at all".

"Its ok you can tell me, we're friends".

"You consider me a friend, even if I only met you a week ago".

"Well yeah, your living here are you not".

"Thanks, Aries".

 She opens her eyes and notices that almost everyone is done. "Well thats good everyone's done. Time to get ready.

I'm so sorry that this is a big filler chapter It just took me forever to write and thats why I released both chapters at the same time. I just hoped you enjoy and vote and comment.

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