Wow More swimming

96 4 1

June 15

Scorpio Pov

"Ok guys, were all set up the rest of the group will be home soon. So everyone go get dressed and then come back down". So we all followed Aries instructions and went and got changed.

By the time I came back down Aries already had gotten changed and was helping Virgo and Gemini with unloading the groceries. She was wearing some jean shorts and a red tank top, and you could see her bathing suit under it.

I walked over and started helping her so Virgo and Gemini could go get changed.

"Thanks for helping me Scorp".

"No problem Ari". We got all the groceries out and walked back to the pool. When we got there everyone else was there. Aries went to go take her shorts and tank top of and left them at a chair. And i'm not a big party person but I was bored and when your bored you do whatever. But before I could do anything, to get the party started, Sag threw out of anyone Cap in the pool. I decide to follow his idea and pick up Ari and throw her into the pool. But because Cap had already got water on the ground I slipped also into the pool.

After that mostly everyone got into the pool besides Sag, Gemini and Leo who went over to the gaming area. Of course I already knew that Sag was going to lose.

After about a minute we got the water volleyball net into the pool and started playing. The teams were me, Ari, Virgo, Libra and the other team being Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer and Taurus. While Cap had gotten out and sat at the side to be the judge.

"You guys are going down"

"Yeah to the ground" Pisces and Aquarius thought they were so good and High Five each other.

"Ok Guys first to 5 wins and gets bragging rights". Cap said. We responded to the other team with some taunts and trash talk. But after about 20 minutes we were tied with 4 each.

Virgo was serving, he's a lot better than you would think so were fine. He hit it to the corner but still in bounds. But at the last second Pisces had got it and hit it to Aqua who hit it back to us at Ari. It kept going back and forth intel Virgo spiked at Cancer head and instead of doing anything he just ducked. "And the loser is that team".

"In your crying sad faces" Aries said while putting up a L.

After that we didn't do that much bug things besides move the net out of the pool. Me and Ari walked over to the food table and ate some grapes and blueberries. I ate for about 3 minutes then made my way to the pool. "You know your supposed to go into the pool after eating without waiting 30 minutes".

"Thats stupid and you know it".

"Im just saying". She walked over o one of the chairs and sprayed tanning lotion on her then laid down. I went back into the pool and swam over to Sag and Leo.

Cancer Pov

I look up to the sky and it looks pretty late like 10 already.

"So what do you want to do" I asked Taurus. We were both sitting on the edge with are feet in the water.

She didn't even have time to get her answer out because someone had jumped into the pool right in front of us. The weirdo happened to be Gemini "Hey lovebirds, don't do anything weird ok but have fun" and she swam over to Libra and Aquarius.

"Well sorry about her but its up to you". She replied sheepishly.

"Well thats a lot of pressure but look at the stairs tonight they looks so beautiful". We both looked up and the starts and saw a lot of constellations. We stayed like that for a while and after about 20 minutes of looking and naming the constellations and stars. I turned to look at her and I cant get rid of the thought that she is as beautify as the stars.

Back to Scorpio Pov

We were out there for a while and when Cap and Aries finally told us all to go inside it was midnight. "Who's cleaning up" someone asked.

"Nose goes" I reacted quickly and put my finger up to my nose. But unlucky Aries did not. "Im just going to get the food and anything else important" she said while everyone went inside but me. I walked over to the food table and helped her get the food.

"You didn't have to help me, I lost".

"Yeah but your my friend and I'm going to help you".

3rd Person

And after Scorpio said that Aries's cheeks became red and even though he tried to hide it Scorpio's did too. They got what they needed cleaned up and went upstairs and said goodnight to each other.

So yeah thats the story, whats your favorite ships I have a lot of room to make ships. And what do you think about everything that's happened.

Also what zodiac do you think I am based of the book.

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