The Promise Pt.1

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Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother Sokka and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. Although his airbending skills were great, he had a lot to learn before he was ready to save anyone. But from the day I first met him, I believed Aang would save the world. And you know what?

I was right. With the help of his friends, Aang defeated Fire Lord Ozai and ended the Hundred Year War. Zuko, Ozai's son and our ally, became the new Fire Lord. Together with Earth King Kuei, The Dragon of the North Lü Bu, Aang and Zuko promised to restore the four nations to harmony.

(A/N: I thought this would be a perfect opening song for this book. Cause y'know it's kinda like the last season of Naruto Shippuden? No? Okay.)

Aang's hand is shown pointing to a map that marks the locations of each of the Fire Nation colonies in the Earth Kingdom.

Aang: I never realized the Fire Nation had built so many colonies in the Earth Kingdom.

A broader view reveals Team Avatar, King Kuei, and Bosco in the throne room of the Earth Kingdom Royal Palace. Everyone is directing their attention toward the map and Aang, save for Momo, whose gaze remains fixated on Bosco's hat.

Kuei: Yes. For the earth people, they're a constant reminder of the War, like an old scar. Oh, I... I – Fire Lord Zuko, I meant nothing personal!

Lü and Toph: Pfft.

King Kuei turns toward Zuko as he addresses him. Zuko is seen looking toward the map.

Zuko: No, Earth King Kuei. You're right. After all the pain my father has caused, it's my duty to bring healing to the world. I'll remove those colonies. I'll do whatever it takes.

Aang now turns to Zuko as well, while Momo jumps off of Bosco's head and takes his hat in the background.

Aang: But removing the colonies won't be easy. A lot of people's lives are gonna be disrupted. We need someone to oversee everything, to make sure it all goes peacefully. Someone like me!

Zuko and Aang smile at one another as Bosco glares at Momo, who is now wearing the former's hat.

Zuko: Really? You'd want to do that?

Aang: Yeah, I'm the Avatar! Making stuff go peacefully is kind of my thing!

A shot of everyone reveals Katara and Sokka addition to the conversation, while Lü and Toph stands quietly next to an excited Kuei. In the background, Bosco angrily swipes his hat back from Momo.

Kuei: Wonderful! The Avatar's personal involvement will give the entire process an air of hope!

Katara: Sokka and I can help!

Sokka: Aw. I was gonna visit Kyoshi Island.

Toph: For what? You and Suki already had-

Lü covers Toph's mouth looking at the fourth wall.

Lü: Toph! Toph! Not in front of the kids.

Kuei is shown deep in thought as Sokka pops in behind him.

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