Imbalance Pt.2

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Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother Sokka and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. Although his airbending skills were great, he had a lot to learn before he was ready to save anyone. But from the day I first met him, I believed Aang would save the world. And you know what?

I was right. With the help of his friends, Aang defeated Fire Lord Ozai and ended the Hundred Year War. Zuko, Ozai's son and our ally, became the new Fire Lord. Together with Earth King Kuei, The Dragon of the North Lü Bu, Aang and Zuko promised to restore the four nations to harmony.


The scene opens to the damaged Earthen Fire Industries, a large hole in the roof and smoke billowing from the wreckage. Lü Bu, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Lao, and Satoru are surveying the damage as Aang flies in on his glider.

Katara: There's Aang.

Toph: Welcome back, Twinkle Toes. Tell me you caught the guy who exploded my dad's factory.

Aang: I caught him, literally.

Lü: Literally?

Aang: He fell off a cliff, so I had to rescue him. He was so grateful he gave up who hired him to attack Earthen Fire Industries.

Toph: Who was it? Me and them are going to have words.

Aang: The firebender said he was hired by two teenage girls, one of whom was a skilled earthbender.

Lü: Why would an earthbender have a grudge against Earthen Fire Industries?

Katara: Was there a reason behind the attack?

Aang: The firebender didn't know. He wasn't given a reason.

Lao: My factory wasn't the only one targeted last night. Several other businesses were sabotaged as well. This seems to be more than random violence. It feels coordinated.

Sokka: There's something strange going on in Cranefish Town. Something lurking beneath the surface, like a catgator waiting to leap out and claim its prey.

Sokka pulls out a hat with an affixed monocle, placing it on his head.

Sokka: Time for Team Avatar Investigations to delve into these mysterious goings-on!

Lü: Why... why do you still have that hat?

Sokka: I can't believe you ever thought I'd get rid of this amazing hat. Do you know me at all?

Aang: Lao, if you give us the names of the other factories attacked last night, we'll try and find out who did it. There might be a connection.

Lao: Of course. Thank you, Avatar.

Sokka: Don't look so down, sis. It's just a hat.

Katara: It's not the hat. It's what you just said, there's something going on beneath the surface of Cranefish Town, but we haven't seen it yet.

Aang: Had enough of hanging out with Appa, Momo? Let's go for a walk in the city.

Sokka spreads his arms wide and smiling.

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