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A loud crack jolted him out of his sleep. "Get up, gorgeous."

Hyunjin sat up straight in the bed. Wide-eyed, he peered at the walkie-talkie on his nightstand. "I'll give you five minutes. Get up, take the walkie-talkie, and try to find me." Without thinking, he grabbed the device. He brought it to his lips and held down a large button. "And where should I look?"

Jisung's laugh was warped by the device. "Everywhere."

"Fuck you..." muttered Hyunjin, wriggling out of his comforter.

"I heard that." He ignored what the man said. Hyunjin peeked out of his door, and nothing but black to the right and left. "Four minutes and thirty."

He cut to the right and followed his instincts along the wall. His heart pounded in his throat. He hated the dark. And looking for a light switch was wasting time. "Son of a bitch," he cursed.

His eyes had trouble adjusting to the nonexistent light. He reached the first door, but when he opened it he couldn't find Jisung. "What am I doin' this for?" He asked into the walkie-talkie. He realized he lacked the time to sneak around so slowly.

"Punishment... Every minute you don't find me, the punishment gets harsher." A shiver ran down his spine.

"You're not serious, are you?" Furious, Hyunjin yanked open the nearest door. Two times a fail.

"Yes, I am, very much so. Shut your cocky mouth before I do."

Shit... The dancer passed the stairs and the clock. Three in the morning. No wonder he'd thrown his obedience out the window.

He grabbed the nearest door handle and pushed it down. Again nothing. Frustrated, he slammed it shut. His steps quickened. Even in Jisung's bedroom, there was no one. "You're a minute over," his voice informed him.

"Awesome ..." Hyunjin leaned against the wall, hitting it. There were only a few rooms left. Sweat formed on his forehead. What if he wasn't even here and played games again?

"I swear to God Jisung," Hyunjin's grip on the device tightened. He trudged down the hallway now. "If you' re messin' with me then I'm goin' to-"

He was grabbed by his arm and dragged away. In the next second, his back crashed into the wall.

The figure reared up in front of him. Jisung's face was completely covered in shadows. "Then what, Gorgeous?"

Hyunjin hated that condescending tone. Jisung moved away, only to open a narrow door Hyunjin had never seen before. Even a glimpse of the red walls was enough to send a shock through Hyunjin's limbs. Jisung pushed him into the room.

He caught sight of a shelf of items that looked painful and took a step back. His leg bumped into a chair or couch that stood oddly shaped in a corner. Hyunjin spun around. The four-poster bed in the middle had several carabiners on the posts. He breathed a sigh of shock.

Under the bed was a cage. A real cage. The kind you see in movies, cages for vicious German shepherds. His heart slipped into his pants.

He imagined this to be different. He was okay with sir-calling. Hyunjin had thought, by the looks of Jisung, that he might have to take some insults and call him Daddy. But he never thought he would be in the gay part of Fifty Shades of Grey.

"So, gorgeous..." And he realized it was way too late to get out of it without looking like a normie; a scaredy-cat; vanilla. He felt the man's presence behind him. The hair on his neck stood up.

Hands snaked around his waist. Hyunjin gasped for air. "Suddenly you're all behaved again, eh?"

"No, not really." Hyunjin slapped himself mentally. Why can't he keep his mouth shut?

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