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Jisung paced back and forth in the cold hospital waiting room. His hair was a mess, a result of having pushed through it so many times as the police had interviewed him. Thanks to the contract, he was the only person Hyunjin was bound to. No family, no friends. It was Jisung who had to bear with the fact he knew nothing about what happened.

He couldn't help but replay the image of the fight. How Blake mercilessly beats him down, blaming him for the whole club situation. "I should've known this would happen," Jisung whispers. It must've been a brutal and senseless fight, fueled by pent-up animosity and unresolved conflicts. And he wasn't there. Jisung blamed himself. He failed to do the one job he was supposed to do. Take care of and protect Hyunjin.


At last, a nurse came out of the double doors. He could see him now.

With trepidation, Jisung pushed open the door to his room and found Hyunjin like a little pile of misery. He was lying on the sterile white hospital bed, his face battered and bruised. Slightly hunched over, Jisung approached him. His mouth was dry. He spent hours wondering about the right words to say. But were there any words to soothe this pain?

"Hey, Hyunjin," Jisung spoke softly, trying to mask the worry.

Hyunjin glanced up at him, a faint hint of a smile forming on his lips. "Hey, there. Guess I got myself into sum real mess this time, huh?" Jisung couldn't help but notice the hole on the side of his swollen lip. The piercing was gone.

"Yeah, it looked...pretty intense," Jisung whispered and took a seat by his bedside, "but you'll be alright. That's what matters." He added feeling the weight of the moment.

They sat quietly, listening to the beeping monitors and hospital staff talking in the distance. Jisung gulped around a knot in his throat. His eyes scanned over the man in front of him. The blood in his hair looked like bad highlights and all the bruises could've also been from a butchered all-around plastic surgery.

That's what some of the staff were at least saying when Jisung sat in the waiting area. Yes, they knew it was from a fight, as soon as it came out Hyunjin was a stripper the whole mentality shifted. It filled Jisung with rage knowing that dancers didn't get any respect. Hyunjin, to them, was the lowest of the low a human could get.

He couldn't understand how someone so complex, a creative and kind soul like Hyunjin could be minimized in his work. No, Hyunjin fascinated him in every way. He might not agree with him on everything, but in what relationship is that the case? No healthy one I can tell you that. Jisung wanted to see Hyunjin succeed. Reach all his dreams and become the best version of himself. The one he wants to be. But in the state he was right now it seemed close to impossible.


After a while, Hyunjin sighed and nodded towards his cup. "Could you help me to get some water?" There was a sad little straw hanging on for dear life inside of it. Both of his hands were covered in band aids and cables. Jisung jumped to his feet and complied.

Jisung mustered the courage to start small talk to break the awkward silence. A question lingered on his tongue. He wondered if it was time to reveal the thing that was gradually becoming unbearable to leave unspoken.

While he held the cup his soft gaze scanned his face once more. Even now... Hyunjin was still beautiful to him. Jisung carefully brushed a strand of red out of Hyunjin's eyes. Their gaze met. A shiver went down his spine as the cold brown fixated on him.

Jisung took a deep breath, avoiding eye contact. His heartbeat picked up as he put the cup away. He sorted what he wanted to say in his head. "Hyunjin, this might be bad timing..." He sat back down and softly took his hand. "It's just that... I thought you should know..."

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