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And success tasted so sweet. Hyunjin twirled a lollipop in his mouth while finding a place to sit. All dancers and staff were brought together to wait on stage. Loud chatter filled the room, nothing but smiles and laughter vibrating in the air.

Hyunjin found Betty and her friends. As news spread the organization might take over she was one of the first people that decided to leave the club. But he ignored that.

A group of men, some more casually dressed than others, stood in front. It was the leader of the counter mafia. The ones that decided to pay for Jeongin's entire tuition thanks to this situation.

They briefed the dancers on the current happenings and how they plan to keep business up at the club. Seungmin and Kira were voted to take most of the organizational control, as they knew the ins and outs best.

Of course, there would be some sort of staff change or enhancement, so that the group could use the club as a sort of gate. The reason why the group chose to reach out to them was that they acted with a sort of Robin Hood mentality.

Yeah... they stole. Yes, they definitely had some shady business going on. But it was, in the end, to make this city a tad bit fairer.


Blake never showed up again. He packed his things the morning and fled. Not without "You'll pay for this Havana" and all sorts of cinematic threats thrown over his shoulder. But it wasn't the first time someone threatened Hyunjin for his life, and neither would it be the first time to fight. "Perks" of a rebellious childhood as he frames it. Deep down he wished to never face Blake ever again. He was now a part of his past.

For once, he was happy to go over Jisung's this week. As the taxi pulled up in front of the grand mansion, Hyunjin could hardly contain his excitement. His heart raced with anticipation as he was about to share the incredible news with his dom. He had told him about the whole drama and occasionally sent updates per stern request throughout the week.

Hyunjin appreciated that Jisung cared so much about the club. Well, he could imagine that half of that care stemmed from the fact that his old Boss, that son of a bitch, was part of the contract that bound the two together.


The cool evening air tickled Hyunjin's skin as he paid the cab driver. He fumbled with his phone, sending a text to Jisung, alerting him of his arrival. The reply was swift and unexpected — he was instructed to wait outside for ten minutes until Jisung arrived.

Jisung was in a meeting, and since the club was closed for the week they decided that Hyunjin should stay longer. So no hard feelings. Tonight was supposed to be a celebration of good fortune, and he couldn't wait to see Jisung. That was the best way he could describe the feeling that embraced his chest. Like a hug from a child who was too thrilled to see you.

They had been in contract for half a year now. Obviously, the start of this was more than rocky, but as time passed, their bond became something more profound. This clearly transcended the boundaries of their contract in one way or another. They were never friends, friendship had felt so misplaced in a dynamic that rested on lust and power.

But there were those little things. When Jisung snapped out of his head Hyunjin allowed himself to drop the facade for a while.

Confused, but unwilling to wait in idle curiosity, Hyunjin decided to make himself comfortable on the stairs. His mind raced with visions of celebratory champagne toasts and happy embraces. Perhaps they were something like friends. Odd friends. Friends that fucked each other like there was no other human, nothing else they desired. But Friends.


Hyunjin settled into the waiting game. And so he got out his phone and started to swipe on TikTok. He opened a video of a dance he had meant to learn some time ago but didn't get the time to do so yet. The short cut out of the music played on repeat as he went through the motions he knew and mumbled the counts under his breath.

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