Chapter Twenty-Six(Liam's POV)

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My head snapped sharply the second I heard my phone clatter to the floor with a sickening crackle of broken glass. Sage was standing with a frightened expression, her hand still open where the phone had once been. Her mouth was rounded into a perfect a frightened expression plastered onto her features paired with a pale face and shaky limbs.

"Sage? Sage, babe, what's wrong?" I dropped the cooking objects in my hands, striding quickly to her to place a gentle hand on her shoulder. She barely flinched, her forest green gaze darting to mine for a split second. It calmed her slightly, but she still didn't move, her frightened eyes locked on mine.

Still confused, my arms dropped to her waist, spinning her around to crush her into my chest. She was hesitant at first, but then wrapped her tiny arms around her. Her small hands fished through my t-shirt, clinging onto it like it was her lifeline. Her face buried into my chest, eyes hidden from my view as she stayed like that. One of my arms went to the back of her head to hold her gently to me. 

"Babe?" I tried again in a short whisper, rocking her back and forth. "Baby, what's wrong? You gotta tell me what happened Sage. Who was on the phone?"

Her gaze raised from my shirt, as if she was going to answer me. But in the split second her mouth opened, tears poured rapidly down her cheeks, racking sobs shaking through her throat. She didn't hide her face, her shiny emerald eyes locked on mine as she sobbed, face going flush, eyes glassy, body shaking with each movement.

"Hey," I tried to soothe, heart breaking at the sight of my girlfriend so torn up over something. So torn up about something I had no idea about. But it was sure something I wanted to know about. I wanted to know about it, and get to the bottom of it, and hurt whoever made her this scared, and this upset.

"Hey, shh. Stop crying. Please stop crying," My hand moved up to her cheek, gently brushing with my thumb at the corner of her eyes, trying to catch each individual salty tear with my fingers.

She bit her lip, sniffing deeply as her hands hastily reached up and grabbed onto my wrist, trying to prevent my actions. I frowned, but she shook her head, reaching up to tug my fingers open. She then threaded her small fingers through my hand, bringing both our hands down so they were level with our shoulders.

"Can you tell me what's wrong yet?"

She sniffled deeply again, her tears no longer pouring down her soft cheeks. "That-that person on the phone," She spoke in a broken tone, her eyes squeezing shut as she continued, "that person on the phone was Jay. H-he said that..that they are coming. They are coming for me." 

I went rigid at the mention of her servant, one who had once been my friend, and Sage's too, but had turned the second he learned Sage loved me and not him. Turned evil and in pure rage all out of jealousy for the small blonde girls heart. And now he was going to do anything he could to break the girl he once loved's heart. 

My jaw clenched, and my grip tightening on Sage's hand. I reached over, gathering her other hand to pair it with her other, pulling them to my chest which in turned pull her closer to me. She let out a small startled cry as I leaned forward, the gentleness I usually used with caution around her gone as I placed my lips over her's roughly. 

She kissed me back however, her hands fighting their way out of mine as she reached up to tighten them loosely around my neck. I took this as an opportunity to pull her closer, literally no air between our bodies as my hips pressed into hers. My head tilted slightly to deepen the needed kiss, which earned another noise of protest from Sage. Her hands forced their way onto my shoulders as she pushed with all her strength. 

I pulled away, not loosening my grip on her as my hands went to her waist, pushing her back so there was some air in between us. Her face was flushed a bright red color, and her eyes averted from mine the second I tried to catch contact. 

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