the essence of the stars simply cannot be captured in words and expressions

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they exist in all forms, everywhere, and all the time. they can be bright and large, or dim and small; there's no limit to how many variations there are, or how many can exist. there's an endless amount of stars living and seeing different sights, witnessing supernovas with colours exploding into the void of space. such is the essence of stars.

to think our very moon is living the same life as all those other planets, orbiting and ageing and one day, she too shall die. but feel different about the moon. with others, feel nostalgic and full of awe, just admiring their existence. the moon, on the other hand. feels like a silent whisper in the middle of a field, or a pair of eyes gazing from the branches of a tree. i don't feel scared, i feel welcomed. i feel like she listens to me and my stories, and replies in her own ways.

the moonlight always feel warm; i know it's my own imagination coming into play, but i like to imagine it's the moon giving me one last warm hug before i journey into my sleep. the night sky would never be the same without her, it would feel empty and once again, an abyss. to exist alongside such a calming moon, to have the pleasure of looking at her from my window and to talk to her whenever i'm lonely, i feel happier than i could ever feel.

she guides me in the night and bids me farewell in my dreams.

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