even if it's not raspberry flavoured

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raspberries taste like April, the blue sky, the fresh breeze, the warm sun, the comforting rain, blooming trees and flowers... I bet if love had a taste it would taste like raspberries. you said that you didn't taste like raspberries, more like flesh and blood but I don't care. you remind me of the vanilla aroma. I don't know why, it probably has something to do with how the color brown suits you so well. I know brown is usually related to chocolate but not for you. you're vanilla, rough looking but a taste so sweet it'd become addicting and the scent will follow me everywhere.
"tell me some poetic shit about life". you. you're my soul's favourite poem, but no one seems to find that poetry in you. only artists can unheart beauty in the most damaged masterpieces. my melancholic heart decided to make you my favorite piece of art.

maybe love doesn't taste like raspberries. but if one day I have the opportunity to taste your skin, I'll know the real taste of love.

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