Chapter 5 - Sakusa & Atsumu

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Friday 12th November

Third Person Pov

It was Sakusa's first day as a personal bodyguard. He really didn't want to do this, but for the mission, he has to

Sakusa arrives at the Miya Cooperation and stands, facing the office door, which was slightly open

"Farther! I don't need one!" A voice echo from the inside

"Atsumu, listen to me. It's for your safety."

"Why doesn't Osamu need one then?"

"It's because you're famous, whilst your brother is reserved and doesn't show his face to the public as much"

"I really don't need a bodyguard"

Sakusa knocks on the door

"Come in"

Kiyoomi enters the room and bows down "I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi"

"Perfect timing," says a man "Atsumu, this is your new personal bodyguard"

Atsumu looks at Sakusa speechless and mesmerized. He had a defined build, you could tell that he worked out. His muscles looked trapped in the suit and the way his ink-curled hair drops over his eyes. He's definitely Atsumu's type. But Atsumu didn't want a bodyguard, so he glared at Sakusa to intimidate him but to his surprise, Kiyoomi was already glaring at him

The man got up and walked over to Sakusa "I'm Shota Miya as you may know, please take care of my son." He looks back at Atsumu who had a pissed expression drawn onto his face

"I'll get going son, I have a meeting soon"

Shota leaves the office.

Sakusa and Atsumu remain, not knowing what to do

"So what's your name again?" Atsumu asks, trying to look as if he's not the slightest bit interested

"Kiyoomi Sakusa"

"Kiyoomi, mmm I'll call you Omi from now on. I have a habit of giving nicknames"
'mabey that will annoy him'

"Ok" He blankly replied

There was an awkward silence that passed

"I don't need you" Atsumu stated "I don't need a bodyguard, I don't know why my father wanted me to have one" He collapsed onto an armchair, swinging his head back

"I don't want to be here either" Sakusa replied, which made Atsumu sit up

"Why did you apply then?"

"My father told me to"

"So it's not just my father who makes me do things that I don't want to" Miya sighs
"I'm Atsumu Miya, call me Atsumu"

"I like to keep it professional" Sakusa sets a boundary

"I don't mind Omi"

"I do"

"You're quite a bummer aren't you?"

Kiyoomi doesn't reply

"I'll break that boundary soon" Atsumu smirked

Little SakuAtsu

415 Words

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