Chapter 26 - Missing

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Days had gone by, and Suna couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. He found himself missing Osamu more than he thought he would. He missed their banter, their late-night talks, and even his weird personality. It felt wrong. Suna couldn't help but wonder why he was feeling this way.

He paced back and forth in his kitchen, trying to make sense of his jumbled emotions. His heart ached, and his mind felt like a foggy mess. It kept him up all night, tossing and turning in his bed

He walked into his room, still lost in his thoughts when something caught his eye in the corner of the room. It was sitting on his desk—the watch that Osamu had given him for his birthday. It was probably the most expensive thing he owned, and it held a lot of sentimental value.

Suna approached the desk, picking up the watch carefully. He examined it, the silver glinting under the room's dim lighting.

He couldn't help but feel a pang in his chest, as memories flooded his mind -the smile on Osamu's face when he presented the gift late at night

He sat down on his bed, holding the watch in his hands, the ticking sound filling the room. Tick, tock, tick, tock. It echoed in his ears, a constant reminder of time passing by.

A single tear rolled down Suna's cheek, followed by another. He couldn't understand why he was feeling this way—why his heart was acting all weird and stuff.

He wiped away the tears and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. The memories of Osamu flooded his thoughts—the way he looked at Suna, the gentle kisses they shared in the office. It all came rushing back, and Suna couldn't ignore the significance of those moments anymore.

He sat down on his bed, clutching the watch close to his chest. The sound of its ticking filled the silence of the room, a constant reminder of time passing.

And at that moment, Suna's emotions overwhelmed him. A single tear rolled down his cheek, followed by another

His heart felt heavy as if it was being pulled in different directions. Confusion and longing intertwined, creating a tumultuous storm within him.

Suna couldn't deny it any longer—he missed Osamu too much, not just as a friend or a colleague, but on a deeper level

A soft, tender smile spread across his lips as he finally acknowledged his feelings

He had fallen for Osamu

Suna's smile slowly faded as a realization washed over him. He couldn't allow himself to fall in love with Osamu, no matter how much his heart yearned for him

This was never part of the plan, never part of the mission. It was all supposed to be fake, a charade to maintain their cover and ensure Osamu never discovered the truth about HAHQ.

But now, Suna had failed.

The weight of his emotions pressed down on him, the conflict within his heart becoming unbearable
Falling for Osamu was a risk he couldn't afford to take. It would only complicate things, putting Osamu's life in danger

Suna clenched his fists, frustration, and self-disappointment lingering in his eyes.

How could he let himself get carried away? He was supposed to be the one who always stayed composed and detached. Yet, at this moment, he felt the vulnerability creeping

He took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. He needed to find a way to suppress these emotions, to push them aside and focus on the mission at hand. The safety of his team and the safety of Osamu

Suna wiped away his tears and grabbed his phone, his fingers shaking slightly. He quickly searched for Sakusa's contact and dialed his number. After a few rings, Sakusa answered, but he sounded a bit busy with Atsumu's meet and greet.

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