Chapter 28 - Official

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Third Person Pov

The morning sun streamed through the large windows of Miya Law Firm, casting a warm glow over the polished desks and leather chairs

Osamu, stood by his office window, in a conversation over the phone. His voice was steady, his demeanour confident, but his thoughts kept drifting to a certain secretary

Suna, now seated at his desk, pretended to be looking through piles of legal documents. However, his attention was divided between the task at hand and stealing glances at Osamu

Suna couldn't help but find it funny the way Osamu's brows furrowed as he spoke, the faint crinkles that formed around his eyes

As Osamu wrapped up his call, he turned his gaze toward Suna and offered a smile. "Suna, could you please bring me the Jensen case file? I believe it's on the corner of my desk."

Suna nodded, as he stood up and made his way to Osamu, retrieving the file and holding it out to him

"Thank you," Osamu said, taking the file from Suna's hand. Their fingers brushed against each other for a moment

"You're welcome," Suna replied, his voice steady despite the rush of emotions within him. Suna can't believe it's been a week since the two officially started dating, but they haven't told anyone yet

There was a brief pause, a charged silence. Osamu's gaze lingered on Suna's face as if he were about to say something, but then his attention was drawn to the file in his hand.

"Is everything going well?" Osamu finally asked, breaking the silence

Suna nodded, finding his voice. "Yes, everything's on track. I've sorted through the relevant documents, and I've made notes on the key points for your review."

Osamu nodded in approval. "Excellent."

A soft blush crept up Suna's cheeks, "Thank you, Mr. Miya," Suna replied Sarcastically

Osamu chuckled as he leaned against his desk, his eyes fixed on Suna. "I've been meaning to ask... would you be free this evening?"

"Yes, I am," Suna replied

Osamu's lips curved into a smile. "Good. How about dinner? There's a cool little restaurant I've been wanting to try."

Suna's smile matched Osamu's. "That sounds great."

Time Skip

The sun had begun its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink as evening settled over the city. Osamu and Suna stood outside the cool restaurant Osamu had suggested for their dinner date

The soft glow of the restaurant's lanterns created a warm and inviting atmosphere

As they stepped inside, the scent of delicious food greeted them, and soft jazz music played in the background.

They were led to a table by the window, where the city lights sparkled in the distance

Osamu pulled out a chair for Suna, and they settled in.

This was their first official date, a moment he had been looking forward to ever since they had started seeing each other

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on work, random things and a bit of making fun of Atsumu

Osamu watched Suna with genuine interest, his eyes reflecting his admiration. "You have a way of making even the most mundane topics sound intriguing," he remarked, his smile warm

Suna chuckled softly, a slight blush dusting his cheeks. "I suppose that's a skill I've developed over time." Well, of course, he had many personalities for his missions. It was easy for Suna to make people interested in him. If he couldn't do that then he would have been fired already

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