Chapter 17 - Five Days

179 6 3

Sunday 10th December

Third Person Pov

Five days had passed since the incident at Akaashi's house, five days since Suna found out about his mother and brother, but the weight of the memory still lingered heavily in his mind

He had been doing his best to avoid any reminders of that night, pushing away the messages from Akaashi and his "friends." Suna knew they were concerned, but he wasn't ready to face the events or discuss them just yet.

Osamu noticed Suna's avoidance and respected his friend's need for space. However, he couldn't ignore the fact that it was troubling him. He would occasionally ask if Suna wanted to talk about it or if he was really to talk to his mother, hoping it would provide some relief. But Suna would always change the subject, diverting the conversation to lighter topics

As the evening sun began to set, Osamu took the driver's seat with determination in his eyes. Suna remained in the passenger seat, engrossed in his phone, until Osamu abruptly stopped the car at a parking spot. He turned to face Suna, his gaze intense and unwavering.

Suna, taken aback by Osamu's glare, finally noticed the weight behind his boss's expression. "What?" he asked, perplexed.

Without saying a word, Osamu gently placed his hand on top of Suna's. To Osamu's surprise, Suna didn't withdraw his hand but instead allowed his touch to linger.

Suna looked at Osamu, confusion etched on his face. Before he could utter a response, Osamu interrupted, his voice filled with determination. "It's almost been a week, Suna. You need to talk to them."

Suna began to speak, but Osamu cut him off, continuing with a sense of urgency. "And before you say anything, if you don't want to talk to your mother, at least talk to Akaashi. He won't stop messaging me."

Suna glanced down at their intertwined hands, unsure of what to do. Osamu's words resonated within him, urging him to confront the situation he had been avoiding.

Osamu spoke again, his voice softer but still resolute. "You can't keep running away from it, Suna."

Their gazes locked once more, and Suna let out a frustrated sigh. "Fuck, Osamu!" Suna looked out the window, his voice filled with uncertainty. "I... I don't know. I don't know what to do."

Rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand, Suna continued, "Samu, you don't understand. Imagine your mother and brother, who left you, reappeared in your life again. You would be confused and angry."

Osamu nodded, acknowledging the depth of Suna's emotions. "Yes, I can't relate, but if I had a chance to talk to my mother again, I would," he said, a warm smile gracing his lips. "And lucky for you, your mother is here, just waiting for you to speak to her."

Suna let out a loud exhale, his gaze now fully focused on Osamu. "Take me to Akaashi's house," he finally said, determination mixed with apprehension in his voice.

Osamu's grin widened, and he started the car. hope began to blossom in Suna's heart, or was it just nervousness?

Suna's hand trembled as he stood in front of the door, his fear threatening to consume him. Sensing his apprehension, Osamu interlocked their fingers, causing Suna to glance at him. Osamu's reassuring words reached his ears, instilling a glimmer of courage within him. "You can do it. You came all this way," Osamu said, his voice filled with support.

Summoning his resolve, Suna took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell. Every second that passed felt like an eternity, his heart pounding in his chest. Finally, they heard the sound of the lock turning, and Suna instinctively took a step back as the door swung open.

A man dressed in a black tuxedo, appearing to be a butler, greeted them. "Mr. Miya, what are you doing here?" he asked. Osamu replied, "Is Auntie home?"

The butler nodded and motioned for them to come inside. "Yes, I'll go call her down. Please, come in." Osamu and Suna entered the living room, finding a place to sit. Suna's adrenaline surged as he glanced around, realizing that this was the very room where the incident had taken place.

Osamu sat down and pulled Suna to sit beside him, their connection offering a sense of comfort. "You'll do great," Osamu whispered, his words filled with encouragement. Suna managed to muster a slight smile in response, which caused Osamu's cheeks to flush with a hint of embarrassment.

Footsteps approached the room, growing louder with each passing moment. Suna had never felt so nervous in his entire life; it was an unfamiliar and unsettling sensation. As the door opened, Suna's eyes locked with Akari, her face pale and her voice barely above a whisper as she uttered, "Rintarou."

Osamu, understanding the need for privacy, moved his mouth near Suna's ear and said softly, "I'll leave you guys alone." Suna nodded, appreciating Osamu's understanding and support, as his friend stood up and respectfully bowed to Akari.

Suna watched Osamu exit the room, his departure leaving behind a sense of vulnerability. As the door closed, he turned his attention back to Akari, his heart pounding and his mind racing with a million thoughts and emotions. This was the moment he had been avoiding, the conversation he had been postponing.

Taking a deep breath, Suna summoned all the courage he had left within him. He was ready to face the past, to confront the complexities of his relationship with his mother. With determination, Suna began to speak, breaking the heavy silence that enveloped the room

I'm loosing ideas for this story. I wrote the whole plot idea down before I started writing this fic. But now that I'm looking back at it, i really don't like it anymore

968 Words

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