Chapter 23 - Uneven Love

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Third Person Pov

Osamu sat at his desk in the hustling office, his eyes fixated on the papers before him. The weight of the case he had taken on was starting to take its toll, and he could feel the monotony seeping into his bones

He needed a break. His gaze wandered around the office until it settled on Suna, engrossed in his own work at a nearby desk

With a mischievous smile playing on his lips, Osamu decided to interrupt Suna's concentration

He approached him stealthily, careful not to alert him to his presence. Then, in one swift motion, he covered Suna's eyes with his hand. Suna jumped in his seat, startled by the unexpected touch

"What is it, Samu?" Suna asked a hint of amusement in his voice.

Osamu removed his hand, leaning casually against the desk where Suna was working. "Just checking up on you," he replied nonchalantly, his shoulders lifted in a casual shrug

Suna turned his chair to face Osamu directly, "How's the case going?" he inquired, looking away from his computer screen.

Osamu ran a hand through his hair, a tired sigh escaping his lips. "Same old, same old. It's dragging on, but the stakes are high, so I guess it's worth it," he said, his voice lacking enthusiasm

Concern flashed in Suna's eyes as he observed Osamu's weariness. "You need a break," he suggested. "How about we grab some coffee? It might help us both."

A grateful smile spread across Osamu's face. "You read my mind. Let's go," he agreed, leading the way toward the elevator

As they made their way down, Suna couldn't help but recall how Osamu remembered his opinion on the previous coffee at the office. "How the hell did you remember that I didn't like the old coffee?" he asked

Osamu chuckled, his gaze fixed on the elevator door. "Well, you wanted to buy coffee at 12 a.m. Where are you supposed to find coffee at that hour?" he explained, amusement lacing his words.

Suna nodded, realizing that Osamu paid attention to even the smallest details.

They entered the break room, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air, you could tell everyone here was tired. Suna asked a woman standing over the counter for his and Osamu's order

With their cups in hand, they returned to Samu's office, their footsteps echoing through the quiet hallway. Osamu gestured towards a file on his desk as he placed his cup down on a coffee table. "Oh, Suna, can you pass this file to Fuji when you head back? It's for Mr Nishimura" he asked, his attention momentarily shifting to the work in hand

Suna glanced over at the table, noticing a rug on the floor being slightly uneven. Just as he was about to mention it, Osamu's foot caught on the rug, causing him to stumble forward

In that instant, time seemed to slow down as Osamu desperately reached out to steady himself, his hand landing on the desk to prevent the fall

Caught off guard, Suna froze, his heart racing as he found himself trapped beneath Osamu's weight. Their faces were mere inches apart, and the room seemed to hold its breath

Their eyes locked, and in that suspended moment, a surge of emotions passed between them. Suna's breath hitched as he felt the warmth of Osamu's body radiating against his own

The air crackled with a charged tension,
the unspoken connection between them growing stronger by the second.

Osamu's gaze dropped to Suna's lips, a magnetic pull impossible to resist. Slowly, ever so slowly, he leaned in, his movements tentative yet filled with possession

Suna's wide eyes fluttered closed as their lips finally met, a soft and gentle touch that sent shivers down their spines. Time seemed to stand still as they reveled in the taste of the forbidden, their hearts pounding in synchrony

But as the kiss deepened, reality crashed back in. Suna's mind cleared, and he realized what he was doing

In a sudden surge of clarity, he gently pushed Osamu back, creating a small but significant distance between them. His eyes darted around, searching for an escape.

"Suna!" Osamu called out, his voice laced with surprise and uncertainty

Suna's pulse raced as he swiftly left the office, a whirlwind of emotions churning within him. He rushed down the escalators, the corridors blurring around him, until he burst through the doors of the building, gasping for breath

Seeking for a hideout, he found a nearby 7/11, collapsing onto one of the stools, his mind in disarray

He placed his trembling fingers on his lips, still tingling from the lingering feeling of Osamu's touch

Confusion and guilt washed over him in waves. What had he just done? It was an impulsive act, driven by a surge of emotions he hadn't fully understood.

Suna covered his eyes with his hand, trying to make sense of the whirlwind that had enveloped them.l

He sat there, lost in his thoughts, the minutes stretching into eternity. The slow burn of their connection weighed heavily on his heart, and he knew that moving forward, everything would be different

He couldn't just go in the next day as if nothing happened. But he couldn't go in the next day acting as if he liked it

And so, Suna remained in the 7/11, grappling with the complexities of his emotions and the uncertainty of the discussion he will make

It was a moment that would change everything between them, a turning point in their relationship that could either lead to being ruined or something better

Well, it was obvious that it will damage all the hard work he had accomplished for this mission

954 Words

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