Chapter 9 - Arcade

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Wednesday 1st December

Third Person Pov

Suna was walking to Osamu's office while looking through his schedule when he noticed a familiar face

He approached the person and realized who that familiar black-haired boy was

"Suna-kun Hi!" Akaashi smiled

"Oh Akaashi, what brings you here?" Suna replied

"Oh um my mother wanted me to drop this off to Osamu," he said, lifting up a bag

Suna looks at Akaashi's hand then back at him "I think he's busy right now, would you like to wait in his office?"

"That would be great!"

They both head over to the main office. Akaashi was here often, he would always come to drop something off or visit Osamu. The two were childhood friends, so what could you expect?

"You must be close with Osamu?" Suna asked in curiosity

Akaashi was surprised by Suna's sudden question. The boy never asked him about his private life or answer anything about his own. "Yeah, we've been friends since I moved into the city. Osamu's parents really helped my mother for the past few years and we just grew close to each other" Akaashi looks down "To be honest it was a hard time for both families, my brother and father passed away, and a few years after Osamu's mother passed away. Our families had to rely on each other for support"

Suna looks at Akaashi with the slightest bit of sadness on his face, but not enough to realize

"Oh, I'm sorry! I blabbered on for too long" He scratches the back of his head

"It's alright" Suna smiles at the boy "You know, you remind me of someone"

Akaashi faces Suna "I use to have a brother who had similar eyes to yours, we could never tell if it was green or blue

Akaashi grins at that comment "I use to have that problem too"

Suna focuses on Keiji's eye "Yeah, it looks blue but also green"

The two chatter for a bit as they arrive at Osamu's office.

Akaashi was happy to finally get to speak to Suna properly. He realized during the time Suna came over, he was very dense and wouldn't talk as much. To his surprise, even Kita was louder than him and that was odd.

"Have a seat" Suna offered "Would you like any coffee or Tea? Even though it tastes so bad here"

Akaashi giggled "You've noticed that too? I've been meaning to tell Osamu that it's disgusting, but kept forgetting to"

"Oh don't worry, I've already told him"

"Thank you so much, you don't understand how dreadful it was" he sighed in relief

The door squeaks as it opens. Osamu enters the room and looks at the two boys sitting down "Oh what are you guys doing here?"

Akaashi stands up "My mother wanted me to drop this off, she went to Malaysia and bought some souvenirs for you. I've already dropped off Atsumu's ones" He hands the bag over to Osamu

"Oh, tell her I said thanks"

"Of course" Akaashi faces the boy next to him "It was nice chatting with you Suna-kun, I'll see you later"

Suna smiled a bit "See you soon"

Akaashi exits the door as he waved goodbye to the two

Osamu walked over to his desk and a
Sat down on his chair "When were you and Akaashi this close? His eyes narrowed

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