Chapter 6 - Coffee

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Monday 22nd November

Third Person Pov

Suna sat on a chair in the kitchen, waiting for Osamu to get ready. A few days have passed and it has been livable for the time being.

Lately, things have been going a bit off though. Suna is one of the best Snipers in the company, he is needed left and right for missions. Due to that, he has to keep making up excuses on why he was late or why he couldn't come in.

He believes that Osamu suspects him. No Assistant is that busy, so why was he?

Rintarou had his chin in the palm of his hands. It's quite hard to hide something from someone, especially when you see them every day.

Large hands place on Suna's shoulder, He turns to see Osamu with a slight smile on his face. The boy was thinking too hard that he didn't hear Miya walking up to him.

"Let's go?" Osamu prompts

Suna stands up and moves away from the twin's grip. Gently, he picks up the car keys from the coffee table and signals his head toward the door

"Wait" Osamu holts
He steers over to Suna and places his hands on his tie

"What are you doing?" Rintarou lifts an eyebrow

"It's bent"

Suna looks down at his tie and pushes Samu's hand off it "I can do it myself"

Osamu's brows lift "Alright, don't get too angry" He replies with both of his hands up

Rintarou tuts at the other and opens the front door. He hates physical touch more than anything. He would rather drown himself than get touched.

Osamu smirks at that reaction and exits the apartment. He doesn't know what it is, but he loves teasing the boy

A phone rings in Osamu's pocket. He pulls it out and check's the contact "One second" he says, lifting up his index finger

He answers the call and starts to speak
"Yeah Yeah, of course, no worries. I heard. I think I'm free tomorrow, I'll come"

Suna cuts off Osamu "You're not free tomorrow, your busy for the whole day"

Osamu sighs at the answer and rubs his temple with his fingers "I'll try and make time tomorrow, don't worry" He said his goodbyes and hung up the phone

"It's not possible" Suna breaks his hopes

"Is there really no way?"


"Let me see the timetable" He holds out his hand

Rintarou places the iPad in Osamu's palm.

"Look Suna, I don't have to attend this meeting. Only one member of the family has to go, and my father is"

Suna turns the iPad around, back at him to double check "You got lucky today"

Osamu grins and lifts his shoulders up "I was born with luck"

Rintarou gave him a disgusted look and walked away

"Where are you going?" Samu shouted

"To the office. You still have to work"

Osamu sighed and caught up with the brunette boy. He loved his job, but sometimes it stressed him out a bit too much. Now he understands the reason, that Atsumu gave up the role.

The sun has been set for a while now, the moon was already up holding the remaining of the sun's light. Suna needed to go urgently. Another excuse, he needs another excuse, he thought to himself.

He turned to take sight of Osamu, who looked quite busy reading paperwork. Samu's tie was loosened, his blazer off. He kept running his fingers through his hair, causing it to look gelled back

"Miya" Suna calls out, proceeding toward him

Osamu looks up at Rintarou, tired and uneasy. Suna's gaze goes from the boy's hair to under his eyes "You look like a mess"

Osamu's eyes rolled as he faced back down at the remainder of the papers waiting to be filled in "Well at least I'm a hot mess"

Suna's eyelid flickered a few times "And who claimed that?"

The two make eye contact. The corner of Samu's lip starts to rise into a smirk. "Well, the way you were staring at me non-stop said a lot"

Suna stepped back from the desk, annoyed at the other "I was going to offer to get some coffee, but if you don't want it then-"

"Coffee? Sure, get me some" Osamu cuts him off

"Right then I'll be going"


Suna halted

"I'll come with you, I need a break anyway"

The boy panicked "No. You need to finish those off. Also, I'm not going to the company coffee room, that tastes horrible. I'll be going to a coffee shop"

Suna then rushes out leaving Osamu confused "What coffee shop would be open now?"

Rintarou made it out of the building safely. Now to change his clothes and get to his destination. To his luck, Miya Cooperation was in the city center, where the headquarters stand

He quickly ran over, to his office and grabbed the pieces of equipment he needed

In a rush, he changed and headed to his destination. Suna has 20 minutes to get back to Osamu. 20 minutes to kill, return his equipment, buy the coffee, and get it to Osamu. Surly isn't that hard?

The boy gazed through the scope and shot the man "Job 1 done, now onto job 2"

Suna ran back into headquarters, then to the coffee shop, then made it to Osamu's office with 3 minutes remaining.

"Why do you look so worn out?" The grey-haired boy asked, taking the coffee from the other hand"

Suna panted trying to catch his breath "I couldn't find a shop that was open, my bad"

"Go sit on the couch" Osamu offered with concern "If you are running late, then you can just call me"

Suna collapses onto the sofa "I'll note that for next time" He had low stamina, which dragged him down a lot. But with his skills, that didn't really matter to him anymore.

Suna gazed up at Osamu, he realized that the twin has fixed his hair up. He probably did take the opinion to heart
Suna snickered quietly

1015 Words

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