Chapter 29 - Message

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Third Person Pov

The following morning, Suna woke up with a resolve. He needed to find out more about the message before involving Osamu

If there was indeed something hidden about the Miyas, he wanted to be certain before causing any unnecessary turmoil

After getting ready, Suna went downstairs to find his mother sipping tea in the living room

She looked up, offering him a soft smile. "Did you sleep well, Rintarou?"

Suna nodded. "Yes, I did, Mother. I have an early morning errand to run, so I'll be out for a while."

His mother raised an eyebrow, a glint of curiosity in her eyes. "An errand? Is something bothering you?"

Suna hesitated for a moment, then decided to be truthful to a certain extent. "I received an anonymous message last night. It mentioned something about the Miyas. I'm trying to understand if it's anything significant."

His mother's expression remained unchanged, her calm attitude unbroken. "I see. Just remember, Rintarou, not everything that glitters is gold."

Suna nodded, appreciating her wisdom even though he wasn't entirely sure what she meant

With that, he left the house, heading to a nearby café where he could dig into the mystery of the message without prying eyes.

As he sat in the café, sipping on a latte, he began to search for any information that could shed light on the Miyas

He scoured news articles, legal records, and anything that might reveal a hidden truth. Yet, his efforts yielded little

Frustrated, Suna decided to take a different approach. He sent a message to one of his contacts, a fellow operative who had connections in the underworld

He asked if there were any rumours or information about the Miyas that might explain the anonymous warning

As he waited for a response, his thoughts turned to Osamu. He felt a mix of guilt and concern for keeping this from him. He hoped that whatever he uncovered would be enough to either put his worries to rest or give him a legitimate reason to involve Osamu

The vibrations of his phone snapped him out of his thoughts. He opened the message from his contact, and his heart sank as he read the words on the screen: "There have been whispers among certain circles about the Miyas having dirty secretive less-than-honorable intentions. Nothing concrete, just rumours."

Suna's mind raced, trying to process the information. Whispers of having less than honourable intention? Could it be true?

Could Osamu be somehow involved, even unknowingly? He looked at the time, realizing he had spent hours in the café.

The weight of the situation settled heavily on his shoulders as he prepared to head back to his house

With each step, his mind churned, torn between his love for Osamu and the responsibility he felt to uncover the truth, no matter how unsettling it might be.

Suna's steps were heavy as he walked back to his house, his mind consumed by the information he had uncovered.

The words of the anonymous message and the whispers of the Miyas' potentially having secretive things underground they have done.

When he entered the house, he found Akaashi, sitting in the living room, reading his book.

Akaashi glanced up and gave Suna a warm smile. "Hey, Rintarou. How's your day looking?"

Suna's expression must have been more serious than he intended, as Akaashi's smile faded slightly. "Is something the matter?"

Suna sighed, taking a seat beside his brother. He needed someone to confide in, and Akaashi could help him

"I received an anonymous message last night, Akaashi. It mentioned the Miyas, and it hinted at something they might be hiding."

Akaashi set his book aside, his attention fully on Suna. "What did the message say?"

Suna recounted the words he had received, and Akaashi's brow furrowed as he listened. "Dirty secrets involving the underworld? That's quite a serious accusation."

Suna nodded. "I know. But I don't have any concrete evidence. I've been trying to find more information, but everything I've come across so far is based on rumours."

Akaashi leaned back, his fingers steepled beneath his chin. "Rumors can be a dangerous thing, Rintarou. They can spread like wildfire and tarnish even the most innocent reputations."

"I'm torn, Akaashi," Suna confessed, frustration and concern evident in his voice. "I don't want to jump to conclusions or cause unnecessary chaos, but I also don't want to ignore something that might be a legitimate concern."

Akaashi's gaze was steady as he regarded his younger brother "Have you considered talking to Osamu about this?"

Suna's shoulders tensed at the thought. "I don't want to worry him without concrete evidence. I don't want to create unnecessary doubts."

Akaashi nodded, understanding Suna's dilemma. "You're right. It's important to approach this carefully. If you're determined to uncover the truth, perhaps you should continue your investigation discreetly. Once you have more information, you can decide the best course of action."

Suna looked at his brother, grateful for his guidance. "Thank you, Akaashi. I needed someone to talk to about this."

Akaashi's expression softened, and he placed a hand on Suna's shoulder. "You're my brother, Rintarou. We're in this together, no matter what."

As Suna left the living room, a weight had been lifted from his chest. He appreciated his brother's support and advice.

The days blurred together as Suna delved deeper into his investigation

Suna's friend had managed to trace the origin of the private number to a foreign country, but the specifics remained elusive

The uncertainty gnawed at Suna's mind, fueling his determination to get to the bottom of the matter

Amidst the turmoil of his thoughts, Suna's phone chimed with a message from Osamu

A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he read Osamu's words. "I'm missing you. Do you mind if I come over?"

Suna's heart warmed, realizing that he had been so absorbed in his investigation that he had forgotten the simple joys of spending time with Osamu

He quickly replied, "Of course"

He awaited Osamu's arrival, Suna couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and guilt. Excitement because he genuinely longed to see Osamu, and guilt because he had been keeping his worries hidden, afraid of burdening him with his own concerns

The doorbell rang, and Suna hurried to open it, a genuine smile on his face as he welcomed Osamu inside. Osamu's eyes lit up as he saw Suna, and he pulled him into a warm embrace

"I missed you," Osamu murmured against Suna's ear

Suna held Osamu close, the embrace offering a brief respite from the worries that had consumed him. "I missed you too," he whispered into Osamu's ear

As they pulled away, Osamu's gaze softened, concern evident in his eyes. "Is everything okay, Suna? You seem a bit distant."

Suna hesitated for a second "Yeah, everything is fine"

Osamu's brows furrowed, his expression concerned. "Are you sure?"

Suna took a deep breath, his gaze locked with Osamu's. "Yes of course" he smiled

1168 Words

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