Chapter 11: Never alone...

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? P.O.V...

Everything seemed to be going down hill for both couples... And now maybe it's the end of the line for Misaki. Or is their something that can be done to save them from this nightmare?

 The mind is a very sad place at times. We realize that the real demons and monsters are the ones that live inside us, not under our beds or in stories. We also choose weather to let them out in the open and win the battle for life... Or... We fight back and lead our lives the way we want to live them.

 Misaki has let his demons win and this is the outcome. Will he wake up and what will happen to Usagi? I guess only time will tell.

 I watch over them from the other side. The side of the dead and lost souls. Since that tragic day, I've kept my eye over the four and God have I wanted to let Nowaki and Usagi know the mental states of Hiro and Misaki. Yet, I can do nothing as I cannot interact with them physically. Best I could ever do is enter into their dreams but then again.... I can't but Misaki through that pain. I can't add to his pain. Not again...

 Usagi's P.O.V...

 Then I heard him flat line... The noise I never wanted to hear...

 My legs gave way beneath me and I fell to the floor, wide eyed at the monitor. His hear was no longer beating? No... that can't be, can it? I mean, this is all just a bad dream right? Yeah, it has to be! It has to!!! This is all just one big nightmare and tomorrow Misaki and I will be sat in bed, cuddling in each others arms, watching T.V. This is all just one FUCKING NIGHTMARE!!! 
I began screaming at the top of my lungs.
I didn't want to lose him... I don't want to lose the love of my life. It would kill me and I'd end my own in hopes to be with him.

Nowaki's P.O.V...
I have never seen a grown man cry so much in my life, never seen a man so broken, never seen a man so hurt.
I guess I'd be the same if Hiro was in the same predicament...
Everything seemed to go in slow motion. The noise began to fade out and the screams of doctors giving orders became muffled and the sobs of Usagi became silent, as if it were a silent scream.
All I could feel was pain and suffering, as if someone had must killed my own lover.
Usagi was loosing the love of his life, and we all knew this would kill him

Hiro's P.O.V...
One of my students lay dying on a bed... And there was nothing I could do...
I'm so useless, I can't do anything but sit and watch from the side lines...
Tears began to fall from my chocolate eyes as the reality in which I live in hit me in the face like a tone of bricks. Everything just seemed to be going wrong, and no one did anything to stop it from happening...

 Why is humanity so cruel?! What in heavens fucking name did we do to deserve the pain in which Misaki and I endured? Misaki was once a bright and bubbly kid until everything happened, ever since that day, we've watched him waste away to nothing which leads us to now.

 Me? I was a harsh teacher but only because I knew that by being harsh would drive my students to achieve great things in life. Now? I can't even go to the fucking bathroom by myself without having a panic attack over the thought of someone doing something like that to me again. 

 Life is nothing but a misery, and to be honest... I would gladly take my dying students place to escape this cruel reality...

 Usagis P.O.V...

 My whole world was crashing down around me and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think, I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak. My  life revolved around my emerald eyed lover, and that beautiful color was vanishing from his eyes. 

 My mind was collapsing from the chaos revolving around me. I swear, I will get Shion and I will make him endure a greater pain then my lover and old friend endured... If it's the last thing I do on this God-forsaken earth. Their punishment  will be worse then death, as death is too kind of a punishment for them. They will beg for death once I'm done with them...

 Misakis P.O.V...

 Finally, I can rest and be with my parents once more and get to smile with them again and joke around. It's been too long since I've seen them last. Seeing them again will make me ecstatic.

 Yet... I can't help but feel selfish in a sense... As I'm leaving so many loved ones behind, even if it feels like they don't care. I want everyone to be happy and maybe they will be if I'm gone, but I don't want to leave my brother or Usagi...

 I'm torn between staying or letting go of this sad life. I mean, the cutting and barley eating is becoming painfully obviously to everyone, and I don't want to make anyone upset anymore...

 Why can't everything just go back to the way things were? Why can't everything be just normal again... 

( AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys, I'm so sorry for the long wait XD A lot of things have gone on since the last update but now things are looking up and I hope to continue to update on a regular basis and complete this book on 22 chapters like the last on and then go on to writing up a US/UK story as Yaoi is just too cute :) Anyways, I hope this story will still be entertaining and you guys enjoy how the story line goes. Keep smiling  :) ) 

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