Chapter 17: Legends Never Die...

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It seems the other lovers seem to be slowly fixing themselves from the devastation that seems to be plaguing there lives for the past few years. Like many people say, things have to get worse before they get better, which seems to be a common theme in life.

Hiro was finally able to fully open to Nowaki which allowed him to obtain the help he so desperately needed. Weekly therapy sessions along with daily ointments of bio-oil which within three months would help fade the scars which covered his body from head to toe as it seemed. This never turned Nowaki away from his lover, letting him know that even though he may think the scars are ugly, he still thought he was a beautiful person and that the scars will heal and not define who he was.

In time, Hiro was soon able to sleep next to his lover without a shirt on, helping his confidence grow and become the person he wanted to be, which was still a professor but he wasn't ready to go back to work yet which the University completely understood and never rushed him to come back. For now, he wanted to be able to feel like himself again before going anywhere as his mental health is more important than his job which is completely true.

Soon enough, Hiro was getting back on his feet, able to go out in public and not shut down from thinking evil awaited him at every corner and feel like he was living a normal life and able to things he could before everything happened.

Nowaki however, for a while felt guilty for not realising the signs that his lover was hurting and had to talk to Usagi for guidance. He felt so helpless that he couldn't do anything to have stopped his lover from feeling the way he did and do the things he did. He just wanted to help in any way he could.

Usagi seemed to be in the same boat as Nowaki, not knowing about his little Misaki's struggles. Both men were able to support one another through the tough times of their lovers recoveries such as taking turns making food for them all to monitoring Hiro and Misaki.

As we all know however, with recovery may come relapses...

There were many times in which Misaki and Hiro would end up in hospital from debilitating panic attack's and self-destructive behavior, but there lover's stayed by their sides through everything. Why you may ask? Simple... The person you love is worth fighting for. When you truly love someone, your willing to go to the ends of the world for them and do anything to bring them back from the edge of insanity. And maybe, there already there and need help finding their way back to peace and what they define as normality. Love is worth fighting for when your significant is fighting inner demons and are struggling to see the light.

There's different struggles for everyone, such as how Misaki was affected and Hiro was, as well as Usagi and Nowaki. All the beautiful men had to receive counselling for a while, even years after that tragic day, but through love, trust and the ability to look to each other for strength when the other's faded is what helped the lovers find peace in their lives once more.

Now who knows what the lovers are getting up to. Are they back to where things were before or have things dramatically changed in their relationship? Are they able to live in the future or are they still tormented by the past and can't get by?

I guess I'll leave that up to you... to decide :)

(Authors note: Well guys, another book complete from the seem of things. Many apologies for taking basically two years to finish this book but writers block and college deadlines can be tough. Now that I've completed college, I hope to get back into writing and hope to keep you hungry for more and hope to keep to a better deadline and have my stories better planned out and draw you in more to the mysteries. Let me know how you think this was and maybe if you want a third and how you, the readers want to see the couples end up. If I like the ideas submitted if any at all and give credit where it's due. Thank you all for being patient and staying with me on this wild ride.)

Well, until next time my friends. Just always remember to keep Smiling :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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