Chapter 15: What about Us

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Hiro's P.O.V...

I'm so happy that Misaki is finally awake even though now there's more work to be done in order to get him remotely back to his old self. I miss my student, always coming to lesson ready to learn with his mind wide open but ready to have a debate when he feels the need to. Saying good morning to me each morning and have a good day when he leaves. My A achieving student.

Now, there's no light in his eyes, not focusing on his work or even being able to do any form of work. Just looking at me with dull eyes as he sits at the table when its time to have a 30 minute lessons a day when it should be 3 or 4. Not seeming interested in what I'm teaching him and not even muttering a word back to me to let me know if he understands or not. It kills me to see him like this.

However, maybe now since more support will be introduced he'll be ok and maybe now he realize he's more than he thinks he is and maybe I'll be able to heal as well at the same time and hopefully be more open with Nowaki...

"We need to talk... in my office please"

Shit, forgot about that. He knows somethings up. How am I gonna be able to face him and tell him everything. I'll look so weak. So pathetic...

We leave Misaki and Usagi in the room so they can have some time to themselves and maybe Usagi be able to get some more words out of the young boy so his therapy can begin with someone he trusts and not a complete stranger. Don't think he trusts anyone outside of us three and I don't blame him. I'm the same. Everyone who I'm not close to who try to interact with me I tend to keep my distance so nothing like that event will ever happen again. I may not be dead now but next time... I may not be so lucky...

He closes the door to his office behind him and leads me to the couch he has in his office. Lucky bastard, he always makes sure he has the fancy stuff so that everyone else is comfortable.

"Hiro... is there something you want to show me?" His eyes were glossed over. Yep, he knows what's up... Well, it was gonna come out sooner or later I suppose. Wish it didn't come out the way it did .

He sighed heavily as I lowered my head so I couldn't meet his gaze. I was too ashamed of what I'd done. I wish I never did it, but it helps so much, even though it leaves a nasty scar in the end...

"Hiro... Please... Talk to me or at least show me... I need to know how bad it is" Tears now pricked the corner of his eyes, threatening to fall down his face. I'm doing this to him. This is my fault. I've bought it on myself but in the process, hurt others. Now I know what I did was stupid. After today its gonna stop by me stopping and now him keeping a close eye on me as he does when he's concerned about me or my health. Damn that doctor mind of his.

Shakily, I stood up and began to unbutton my shirt, mustering the courage to show him. I know I need help and I guess it starts today weather I like it or not. The shirt falls to the floor and his eyes widen and the tears finally fall. My torso as well as my arms are littered with not a spot clean. Old and new ones lay where they rested, falling over each other to be on the top. I never realized how bad was until now. Now it was my turn to cry. I'd never been ashamed this much since that incident with Misaki...

There was dead silence in the room, both our faces covered in tears. Then... He finally moved. Oh God what's he gonna do? Yell at me? Call me a freak? I wanted to run and hide, escape this place...

The only thing he did was kiss my body... Why? Every inch of my skin that was littered was covered with kisses. After he was done he pulled me into a tight hug and the words he said next made my anxiety leave my body.

"I will help you, you don't have to suffer alone anymore. I'm here and I will never judge you and make sure you never hurt your beautiful body again"

I wailed in his arms for what seemed like hours. I'd never felt so relieved someone was just going to listen to me and help me instead of make me feel worthless and like I deserved what I did.

Finally, after all the sobbing was done he carried me to the couch, rested my head on his lap and I fell asleep. I'm so glad to have someone like Nowaki. I love him so much.

Nowaki's P.O.V...

He's finally asleep thank God. I never realized how much pain he was in. I new something was wrong but I never would've guessed this. It pains me to see him in this much pain, but now I can help him since I now the extent of what he's going through. We all have our demons and I guess this was how he felt the need to deal with them. I wish he just came to me and talked about it or that I read the signs. I should've paid more attention to him and check on him as much as I checked on Misaki. But then again, it was more obvious that Misaki was struggling apposed to Hiro.

From now on things are going to change. They both need help and now more help can be provided to the pair of them. Everything will turn out ok in the end, I'll make sure of it and I'm sure Usagi will agree with me...

Authors Note: Hey guys I'm super sorry for the long updates but now that I have a laptop again I should be able to update more frequently than before as well as more ideas coming to mind these days. Also, when it said in this chapter is true, hurting yourself is never the answer and please talk to someone about it or an adult as everyone is beautiful and doesn't need to scar there body. Please keep smiling my smilers and remember your all needed and amazing people <3

Keep smiling :)

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