Chapter 13:Things Left Unsaid...

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Third person p.o.v...

"3,2,1 CLEAR!" Nowaki yelled at the top of his lungs as Misakis body jerked upwards as shock ran through his body in attempts to bring him back.

It had been 3 minutes since they began to attempt to revive the frail boy. Usagi and Hiro were holding one another, trying to stay strong and trying to keep positive and that Misaki would make it and this was all just one big nightmare.

Sadly, this wasnt the case. Misaki was truly there in the hospital bed, dying, life slowly seeping away from his body. He was ready to give in, letting the pain of the memories of when he and Hiro endured that much pain together go away, the pain of the demons lingering in his mind leave, causing his lover pain of not even being able to touch him in fear of causing a panic attack.

But, at the same time he wanted to fight to live on, change the trady into a life lesson and maybe one day help someone else live through what he endured or help people stay safe or something along those lines.

There are two sides to all arguments, and Misaki didn't know which one to choose, but the light was slowly leaving him. And didn't know if the fight for life was worth finding...

Usagis p.o.v...

I held onto Hiro for dear life as I had nothing else to hold. God I wish I was just holding my brown haired, green eyed lover, but his life was in the hand of my doctor friend, Nowaki. Why did any of this have to happen? Why couldn't we all just go back to being happy? Things were so much simplier.

Misaki would always quietly crawl out of bed so he wouldnt wake me and would go down to the kitchen and make us breakfast, whilst also trying to get ready for college. I remeber I'd soon miss his presence and slowly get out of bed, not wanting to face my responsibilities of the day ahead, but wanting my morning coffee which was always perfectly made for me each morning since we fell inlove with one another.

Over time he began to mellow out and we began to act as if we were married to one another, which I'm hopeful will happen someday.

Sadly all those happy memories slowly faded away when I heard Nowaki gave another clear to send another shock of electricity through Misaki's body. It had been 7 minutes now since he flat lined...

Each minute that went by, more hope left my body for the thought of Misaki and I having a future together....

My life was over... My body slowly fell to the floor and my body began to shake and tears fell from my eyes. I needed him back... I needed my life back...




I couldn't believe my ears... Was I hearing things right, or was it my brain playing tricks on me?




"He's back!" Hiro exclaimed as he tried to get to my feet. My pain in my heart lifted which caused me to want to get up faster. My world was coming back to me, my lover was on his way back.

Nowakis p.o.v..

Finally I was able to get Misaki back, but now more concern kicked in. He flat lined for 8 minutes, which meant the brain hadnt had oxygen for that peroid of time. I knew Usagi would be heart broken if this meant Misaki would have brain damage. This would means months, maybe years of therapy, or a possible chance of him being wheelchair bound for the remainder of his life, depending upon the extent of the damage.

"We need to send him for a brain scan ASAP!" I commanded to the nurse to my left.

"A brain scan? Why a brain scan? Whats going on Nowaki?" Usagi demanded. I honestly didnt know how to respond. The thought of the extent of brain damage was all that was on my mind. Would it be perniment brain damage? God sure wasnt on our side, I knew that much.

"Hiro, take Usagi to the waiting room please" he did as I asked and both men left the room, leaving me and the nurses to wheel Misaki for the x-rays. This was probably the scariest case I'd ever had, and I was hoping for everyones sake, he would be ok.

Hiros p.o.v...

Time seemed to move slower than ever whilst waiting for the results. I tried to get Usagi a coffee, but he felt like he couldn't consume anything until he knew what was wrong with my student.

What if this was all my fault? What if I just paid more attention? I wanted to go back to the house and just mess up my arms again. God this was so hard to try and stay calm and keep my own demons at bay.

(Ten hours later...)

Nowakis p.o.v...

My worst fears came true... Misaki had brain damage due to the lack of oxygen. Usagi was going to be shattered.

We slowly took misaki back to his room, only to see Usagi fast walking towards us with Hiro attempting to stop him but failing. Thinking of it, Hiro had a similar build to Misaki now. He'd lost so much weight and wouldn't sleep next to me unless he had a long-sleeved shirt on.... Maybe their was more going on with him than I knew about.

Sadly, my main focus had to be on Misaki at that moment in time...

"So, is their anything else we need to be worried about?" That was the first thing to leave Usagis lips... I really didn't want to answer, but that was the only thing I could do at that moment in time.

"I'm sorry Usagi, but... Misaki has brain damage". I saw the tears well up in his eyes and his once smile turning into a frown. I never liked this part of the job. Breaking the news to the paitents loved ones, I'm just glad that I wasnt telling him that Misaki had died.

The three of us walked into the room to see an unconciois Misaki. We really needed him awake in order to asses the extent of the damage and if it's perniment or not.

I guess there was only one way to find out. And that was to wake him up.

Hiros p.o.v...

We all wated anxiously for Misaki to wake up which luckily was within 4 hours of him coming back form the scans.

Usagi was already stroking his hair, trying to communicate and comfort him whilst at the same time trying to keep his tears back. This was going to be a bumpy ride to recovery.

"Later we need to talk" Nowaki whispered into my ear. Well... that just made things better.

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