Chapter 16: Fighter

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Everything seems to be getting better for everyone. Misaki's been discharged from the hospital since 3 months ago and has on-going phiso-therapy and counselling thanks to Nowaki finding the best counsellor for the frail boy. Hiro has been getting help for his self-harm and dark thoughts from one of Nowakis close and trusted friends as of course, Nowaki wasn't allowed to be involved as there would be too much of an emotional attachment so then there wouldn't be much progression for Hiro or Nowaki.

However, no one ever thought to look in to how fully Nowaki or Usagi felt, did they? I mean, sure, we got to know how they felt a few times but never fully throughout the hell which had plagued their lives for a while.

Usagi had began to smoke two packs of twenty cigarettes a day, not caring of what damage may happen to his body, and Nowaki had began to indulged himself in his work to hide the pain, never giving himself time to fully relax due to the stress of wanting to help people and the unknowing of what was going on in Hiro's head.

They both felt helpless and still do more or less. They want to help their lovers but really there's not much they can do to help other than be supportive and help them become more confident in themselves and feel safe again around people and not cower away in a room away from the world.

Luckily though, as both Misaki and Hiro began to get better, the same seemed to happen to both the older men. Nowaki began to relax a bit more whilst Usagi began to smoke less and less each week so he could be by Misaki's side as much as possible.

Maybe things are finally looking up for everyone and maybe things will begin to go right for them, which is a lot better than living in a burning hell of a life where death seems like the only way out.

Things do tend to get worse before they get better as we all at some point but if we keep pushing we come out stronger and wiser in the end and can help people on their journey of healing as well as self discovery...

Usagi's P.O.V...

My little Misaki was healing and coming back to me. He can now walk with the aid of crutches and can now talk almost fluently again, sometimes just feeling afraid to form a sentence. Being told by the counsellor to just tell him its ok and encourage him to continue or try has really helped with his confidence and not finishing his sentences for him makes it so much better for him. I was so proud of him, he'd come so far again and was healing.

I made a deal with him. If he kept working to getting back to himself, I would have only two or one cigarettes a day which I'm guessing was the best form of motivation for him than ever. Also, he was finally more comfortable now to fall asleep next to me on a night. Just waiting for him to nuzzle into me and letting him move to where he was comfortable enough has been a huge success rather than forcing him to and doing what I wanted to do. Patience is a virtue.

Speaking of my cute lover, he slowly hobbled over to me and fell into my chest, wanting a warm embrace which I happily gave, lightly as tight ones seemed to still freak him out somewhat which I didn't want to do to cause him to go backwards in recovery. This time, was different. I could feel the compassion from the small man through the warm embrace each and every second we held it.

It was the longest hug we had in ages and was getting warmer by the minute. Finally, he pulled away, mouth ready to talk to me. He stuttered a little, still trying to open his mouth to form a sentence. I think I knew what it was.

"P-Pratic-ce" he stuttered. He wanted to try and walk without the crutches. He was determined to get better and walk without aid again.

I nodded and we slowly walked over to the open floor next to the couch where we had some gym matts laid out for him to use so he could exercise and practice without fear of him falling over and hurting himself as well as a place for me to have him lay on the floor and allow me or Nowaki or Hiro to exercise his legs by bending them at the joints for him. Yes, it was painful for him but it helped aid in his recovery so he'd always silently cry which made my heart ache. It had to happen every day and I new it was time to do it soon. Guess he wanted to try walking before he couldn't move for ages due to the pain.

The way him walking worked was I'd place his crutches on the floor away from the matts as he'd wait sat on a chair at the beginning of the matts and wait for me to help him use his upper body strength to pull himself up using my arms which helped with keeping his entire body to keep working. Then, by him holding onto my arms and me in front, facing him, I'd walk backwards as he walked again using my arms for support and giving me a chance to catch him in case he falls so he can't hurt himself.

As we began, he walked shakily but with confidence, one step at a time taking all the time he needed so he wouldn't strain himself. A smile crept across my face. Seeing him pushing forward made me feel on top of the world to see him succeeding. Then, he stumbled into my arms, me catching him easily. He rubbed into my chest which usually meant he wanted to lie down on the matt for a bit which I complied with as I didn't want him passing out from exhaustion.

Slowly, I helped him get to the floor and I lay next to him, holding his hand so he knew he wasn't alone here, then he shocked me. For the first time in what seemed like years, he pulled his body on top of mine, looking at me to help him which I did gently. We just laid their, his head in my chest, my hand drawing circles on his back and my other one cradling his head.

".. I love you... Usagi..." I hadn't heard those words for a while, and I couldn't hold back my tears and I soon realized my shirt was wet with his tears also. He was healing and I was gonna help him get there, no matter what.!

"I love you too, my Misaki" he then hugged me tighter and I did the same, him not flinching one bit.

In one day, we made a huge step forward.

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