Chapter 5: Numb

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Misaki's P.O.V ...


Cold sweat dripped down my for-head as I struggled against the shackles that held me down to a cold, metal table. Stray tears ran down my face as I knew what was going to happen next. I knew someone was going to come and rape me and then slash up my body. I got used to it by now but each time I didn't want to feel the endless pain for another time. If anything, I wish they would just slit my throat and then also in reality I die, but I knew it wasn't going to happen.

Then, there was a creaking of a worn-out door, notifying that my time sitting in anxiety was coming to an end. Sounds of heavy footsteps echoed around me as I closed my eyes tightly, ready to feel my hips begin to burn from the force about to be inflicted to me. Each minute felt like an hour of fear and grief. I just wanted the pain to be over with.

Someone wrapped their gigantic rod like hands around my throat which made me open my eye as I gasped in pain. More tears fell out of my eyes as I tried to not look at my capture, for I knew it scared me more than the time I was captured by that insane man and his goons. The person who held me now sacred me more than anything because I never knew he was capable of doing something like this.

I never imagined he would keep me like this. After all he did for me. He was kind hearted and hated cruelty of all kinds.

I never expected Haruka to do this to me.


He always made sure I was ok when Brandon or someone like that picked on me for no good reason. He would call me to make sure I did my homework and make sure I would remember to bring it to class the next day so that I wouldn't get killed by the Demon of a teacher who has a habit of throwing books at his student's heads.

"Why, hello my precious" he smirked as he bent down and force kissed me, pushing his tong through my frail mouth. I always seemed to be dehydrated. Small whimpers left my mouth as I tried to fight against him soiling my mouth. Although, I knew it was no use. I was going to be raped and then killed but then the cycle will just continue. Why is God such a cruel man?

It's as if he enjoys to watch humanity suffer throughout our daily lives and then if we die, we get judged and either we go to heaven or hell and to be honest, how do we know either one exists?

Look at it this way, we can easily picture hell with fire pits and seven different corners for the seven deadly sins of man. Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Worth, Envy, and Pride. In the middle, is where Satin sits, eating or tormenting the souls of the dead. Devils fly around to their mansions for homes that are devil red and black. Not a speck of good is anywhere to be found in that place.

Then there's heaven. We can either picture it how they describe Olympus. But, the only real picture we have is clouds where angels fly around to try and protect the living. We don't have a good description of heaven but we've got a pretty good description of hell. So, which one exist?

His hands trailed down my body, but he wouldn't go anywhere near my groin. This scared me. He always went straight down and then ripped my boxers off and then began his work. Why was he not following his usual cycle?

Instantly, pain ripped through my abdomen. It wasn't the usual pain. It was the pain I felt when I slit too deep. Looking down, a knife was standing out of my stomach with blood trickling down the sides of my stomach. My eyes we wide with shock at the sight in front of me.

Screams of pain left my dry mouth as I tried to keep myself from moving because with each movement, more pain coursed through my body. At this point, no matter how much I knew Usagi loved me... I just wanted to die.

Haruka yanked the knife from my bloody stomach which he used for a canvas. A crooked smile was planted on his darkened face. It wasn't the Haruka I once knew. He was caring and loving and made me happy that I finally had a friend. Now, standing in his place, mimicking his features, was a sadistic mad man or soul that wanted me to suffer. Wanted me to live the rest of my life though feeling nothing but pain. Wanted me to never feel safe and dirty for the rest of my existence. Wanted me to live with nothing but fear pulling at my mind with every little thing I do.

No matter what I do, it seems God has planned my life to be filled with nothing but pain in everything I do. It's as if he decided that my whole life would be the definition of hell. If he didn't mean for it to be this way then why? Why does he put me and other people like me through so much pain!?

What happened to God sacrificed his son to save us from sin? What happened to him loving us? It seems it's been thrown out the window because each day people die from sickness or from murder. Some lucky ones get to die of old age but many more die from either health problems or maybe being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Are we just the ones God gets to play around with!?

Why must there be war!

Why must there be poverty!

Why must there be pain and why must we die!

Sure, we all die in the end but why must we die a painful death, full of regrets!

These thoughts swirled through my mind as the knife plunged into my stomach yet again. But, now I stopped screaming because....

What's the point in trying anymore?

I heard someone scream my name as my world faded into darkness. I guess this is the end...

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