Chapter 6: Dance With The Dead...

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Hiro's P.O.V

My mind raced as I watched Misaki toss and turn his body as he slept, pain plastered across his face. Small whimpers left his mouth as tears became present more present with each whimper he made. My heart twisted at the sight of him in pain.

He looked so helpless. I remember how he looked when he slept as we were in the hands of that mad man. Each time we were tied together, I encouraged Misaki to sleep so he would have the strength to keep himself alive. At first, he would argue but then luckily for me, he would fall asleep in my arms. But by the look on his face each time he was asleep, it seemed being awake would be better. Beads of sweat would leave his body as his face twisted in pain. He would wake and scream at the top of his lungs. Then he would cry into my shoulder as I tried to calm him down.

Then, I could only wake him by shouting at him to wake, for my hands were bound around his lower torso. Then it hit me... Now I can actually wake him by shaking him. I face palmed, pissed at myself.

Leaning over his flailing body, I firmly grabbed both his shoulders and began to shake his body rough but not too rough. I began to scream his name as the shaking by itself wasn't having much of an effect on his body.

This went on for several minutes (and for some odd reason the two buffoons didn't hear me screaming the kids name... Idiots) until he jolted up instantly. I covered his mouth to prevent him screaming the roof of this place.

That probably wasn't my smartest move. At that motion, his eyes widened and he began to shake in fear. But, as soon as he noticed it was me, his eyes softened but then were filled with tears.

He looked so broken...

Before he could say anything, I pulled him into a hug.

"You don't have to explain, sometimes we just need a shoulder to cry on" I whispered, tightening my grip around his back. After a few seconds, he threw his head into my shoulder and began to cry. He grabbed the back of my shirt so hard, his knuckles turned white. He was so scared...

I wanted to see him smiling... I wanted to see him the look of someone who had not a single care in the world. BUT NO! No, at this moment in time he had the look of someone who can't go a few seconds without breaking into a fit of sobs. Only if I acted quicker on that day. Now I live with that regret each day and when I see Misaki break down... The pain pulls at me, my mind screams at me it was my fault that he was so broken. I can't go into the past and re-write the events that took place which kills me even more.

The sobs finally subsided and I laid back down, Misaki still in my arms. He had finally fallen back asleep.

That's why I do this one thing I now regret to relieve me from the pain. If Nowaki were to find out, he would surely leave me...

??? P.O.V...

I wanted to break him, but those idiots failed me... Hiro wasn't meant to get tied up in it but he did. Oh well, at least I get to break two people now...

I knew it would be difficult but I was up to the challenge. I had decided to break Misaki the first time I laid eyes on him. The first time he smiled at me made me sick to my stomach. I hated seeing people so happy. I mean, what's their to be happy about? NOTHING! We live in a shitty world where theirs too many different emotions in it. We only ever need two emotions in this world. Fear and loneliness. The world would move so much smoother if we only had those emotions ruling humanity.

But then again... No one believes these emotions are the most important. THAT'S WHERE HUMANITY IS WRONG!!!

Humanity is so stupid and reckless. I try to warn the people around me about the dangers of the world but they just shake me off, as if I'm a piece of dirt.

Well no more. No more of being mister nice guy... My plan is a quarter of the way done already. The story of the College professor and one of his students was stuck in their lovers minds. And it would soon drive the helpless insane. Phase two was soon to be placed into action. It would snap him.

A smile crept upon my face at the thought of him crumbling. Seeing him losing what little sanity he now possessed. Oh being evil has its perks.

More than anything I wanted to be the one who broke that boy completely! Nothing thrilled me more than breaking people.

The only downside to this all is, now their both under mad protection so breaking him won't be as easy it would be as before.

No matter, I always come up with mad ideas...

As long as Misaki and Hiro fall into insanity...

As long as they are never happy ever again then everything will be alright :)

(Hello my fellow readers. I apologize for the long wait but I've got really bad writers block and schools starting up again soon so I gotta study for my mock exams. Plus, I need to rehears for a play at school and in performing arts. I WANNA DISTINCTION IN PERFORMING ARTS!!! Anyway, I hope to have the same amount of chapters as the first book to keep it even and then start on my next story. KEEP SMILING MY SMILE'S) Lol nick name is smile's. ilgfniwbvcv

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