Chapter 7: The Kill...

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Misaki's P.O.V...


The nightmares keep getting worse, they won't leave me alone. Neither will the voices. They keep getting louder and louder, telling me to just give up and die already. But, for some reason I keep fighting. I don't know why but, I don't have the guts to end my own life. I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm pretty pathetic.

For the first time this month (Let's just say January) I'm going shopping with everyone. The last time I went out it was around Christmas and I got a bunch of clothes that consist of long sleeved shirts and black and grey skinny jeans.

This time were going house shopping. Dr. Nowaki and Mr. Hiro spent the night over and it turned out that they couldn't help it and now our couch is ruined so, we have to buy a new one. I feel bad for Mr. Hiro though, he says it's hard for him to walk but refuses to be carried by Dr. Nowaki or anyone else for that matter. He said something about not wanting to look weak or ruin his ego or something along those lines.

It's always covered in snow here in January, so, I wore my black and white stripped long sleeved shirt, grey and black skinny jeans, red high tops and my pierce the veil hoddie with my brown leather jacket with a scarf that Usagi insisted I wear (basically what I wear except the shoes, leather black le coopers plz).

Once we were all ready to go, both Dr. Nowaki and Usagi grabbed both of my arms and Mr. Hiro stood behind me to make sure I wouldn't run away. For some reason sometimes when we go out I tend to refuse to go outside. Either I struggle and try to get away, I begin to thrash around and scream and cry, I just cry or, I'm fine and just go.

Today, I just cried. Last night I had a dream that we all went out and went to the store where all the furniture for your home is and when we were talking to one of the workers, a crazy guy came in and began to shoot everywhere and at everyone. Everyone but me got hit and then the guy raped me... I awoke to see Mr. Hiro pinning me down, concern written all over his face.

So yeah, I don't exactly want to go out today, considering what my dream was about.

Without realizing it, we were already in Usagi's expensive sports car and we were on the highway. My tears began to fall harder and small wimps left my mouth. Dr. Nowaki sat in the front whilst Mr. Hiro and I sat in the back, since we were smaller. (IDK if Usagi's car can fit four in but let's just go with ok? OK, moving on...)

Mr. Hiro pulled me into a hug and began to try and comfort me, saying things like 'it's ok' and 'there's nothing to be afraid of.' Bull shit...

There's so many bad people in the world and we live amongst them. We don't know when they will strike. We don't know when they may take another innocent life. The biggest fear is that we don't know who they are. That's what scares me the most. Not knowing when I may walk into danger scares me to the point of just curling up in my bed and cutting myself to try and rid myself of the fear.

When we arrived at the mall, (Don't question my methods) I held onto Mr. Hiro as they began to get me out of the car. In all honesty, the one person I trust right now would be Mr. Hiro. I know I should trust Usagi more than anyone but Mr. Hiro's been through the same pain I have and understands my pain better than anyone.

Hiro's P.O.V...

I really hate Nowaki for doing that. But, I'm so glad I was able to persuade him to let me keep my shirt on whilst we had that little night of making love to one another. So I admit it, I began slitting on my stomach. The only good thing that comes out of it is that they blend in with the scars that that manic inflicted on me. So, he understands why I wish to leave my shirt on. But, now my ass and lower back hurt like crazy. God, why didn't I just say no. but then again, he's the dominant one whilst I just scare every-one? Stupid brat...

Now, we had to buy a new couch because of what Nowaki did. Yes, I blame that blue-haired idiot!

As we walked through the entrance, Misaki wouldn't let go of my arm and kept his head down. Usagi and Nowaki walked behind us to make sure none of us would get separated from one another. Each time we went out we would sometimes bring Misaki along, it was a part of his recovery program which Nowaki had set up. I guess today Misaki was in a scared mood. Who could blame him? He had another one of his nightmares again.

Only if one of us could stop his nightmares, then maybe he would be his old-self again faster. But then again, no one would ever be the same again. We all changed and it all revolves around what happened. None of us will ever be able to look back on our past without stumbling over that memory. I guess that's what hurts the most...

We finally reached the furniture shop in this big ass mall we were in. The second we got in, Misaki began to loosen his grip on me which according to Nowaki is a good sign. When he begins to loosen his grip on us then that means he's becoming more comfortable in the surrounding area. Like in the park, Misaki is able walk around whilst holding on to no one for about five minutes which is good but, when there's a lot of people around then he whizzes back and hides behind Usagi, like a lost puppy.

"Hello and welcome, how may I help you today?" One of the workers asked as they began to walk up to our group. Misaki yelped and then hid behind me. We all chuckled at him whilst she just looked confused.

"Yes, I'm looking for the same pink couch I bought here last time. Do you still make the same one?" Usagi asked. Well, I guess he gets his furniture from him.

I began to laugh at the face he pulled when he was told they don't make it in the same color pink he liked. His face was priceless. He looked as if someone had taken some of his stuffed bears away from him.

After a few minutes of arguing with the manager, he finally settled for a similar pink but to him it wasn't the same. For the inconvenience, they said that they would make sure that couch would make to his apartment by the end of the day, which I guessed made him a bit happier.

We turned around to leave when we heard a gunshot. Misaki began to scream as Nowaki and Usagi grabbed Misaki and I and hit the floor.

What the fuck...

(Hello my smile's, I'm sorry if this chapter sucked. I'm gonna ask you guys a favor... please stop pointing out the errors I make. No one's perfect and I know there's only around one or two but it still bugs me. If you know there's an error then please contain it to yourself. Thank you. KEEP SMILING)

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