Chapter 2: This is gonna hurt...

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After a few bites/nibbles of my breakfast, I left the table and went to my room to take a shower and yet again, one of them followed me to the bathroom. Oh, and the day begins. As I'm about to go into my personal bathroom, I turn around to see who's looking out for me this time. It was Mr. Hiro. This kind of put me at ease.

Mr. Hiro gave me my space and would sit outside of my bedroom door once he heard the shower running which made me happy. When he did this, it made me feel more in control of my life which was pleasing. Although, sometimes he would sit on my bed and wait for me to finish instead if I didn't eat a lot or was acting 'weird'. But today he stopped at my door frame to my room. I gave him a warm smile and it was equally returned.

I turned to my wardrobe and pulled out some black skinny jeans and my long sleeved red shirt, including my boxers and shorts. Taking a look at my bed side cabinet, I pulled out one of my many metal skin wreckers and hid it in my jean pocket. Just in case I need it later which, I probably will. Once I'd picked out everything that I would need in the shower, I went to my bathroom and locked the door behind me, just out of anxiety.

Every time I'm in a room by myself and someone is in the house, I tend to lock the door in fear of something happening.

Letting out a sigh of my own stupidity, I turned the shower to the perfect temperature, striped off my clothes and hopped into the shower, savoring the warmth of the water. I gazed down to my arms, inspecting them from the creations I made the night before. My skin was red with irritation and felt like the water was bullets scraping my skin. My arms were disgusting, just like me.

'I'm nothing but a dirty piece of shit!' I screamed in my mind. Letting out a shaky breath, I grabbed my appel scented shampoo and began to wash up.


I decided to watch over the kid whilst he took a shower. As he left the room, I noticed Usagi starting to get up to follow him so I stopped him. I gained an angry gaze from him but I simply gave him the same look. After our little stare off, he sat down and I jogged to the kid's room.

He just looked like he needed his space this morning and if I let any of those idiots watch over him, they would just make him feel uncomfortable. I actually had common sense and gave him his space and I'm pretty sure the brat knew it.

Stopping at his bedroom door, he looked back to see who it was watching him this time. When his eyes met mine he simply smiled and I returned the warm gesture. Honestly, sometimes Misaki looked like a toddler and sometimes to take in that he's actually seventeen years of age and is in a relationship with a child- like author who can be such an ass hat is quite amazing. You'd think he's the one who's the 'protector' yet he's not. What goes on in that kid's head?!

There was a click of a door closing, followed by a choir of pitter patter of water. He'd stepped into the bathroom. Letting out a sigh, I slid down the door frame and took a seat, starting to count how long he took in the shower which in all honesty, found really unnecessary because what if he wanted to take a longer shower this morning? Man my idiot lover has some weird rules.

Do they think he's going to do something reckless? He's a very responsible teenager, more responsible than Usagi which kind of makes me feel sorry for the brat. Everyday he's got to put up with this idiot and his perviness which is quite sickening but, Usagi is being considerate right now which I is the good side to Usagi. That idiot actually would die for the brat and do anything for him which is the one thing that Baka doesn't mess up on.


Damn it! My head screams at me as my skin burns from the soap and water concoction. It felt like someone was lighting fire to my skin or like when Shion...

Tears began to pour from my eyes by that dreaded memory. Why did I have to think about that now?! Now the voices are going to come back ten times worse than before and I'm only just hanging onto what is left of my sanity. Why, fuck it why! My mind wandered to what I could do to ease my pain. I just hate temptation.

'Oh come on Misaki, it's just a scratch. It won't do much and you're already messed up as it is'

'Yeah, plus it's not like anyone's going to notice. Just do it already!'

'Why don't you just do us all a favor and die'

That last comment struck a nerve. Rinsing myself and stepping out, leaving the shower running so Mr. Hiro thought I was still in the shower, I rapped a towel around me and ripped my blade out of my pocket. I inspected the metal of all the dried up blood that glistened the metal. God, why do I have to be so stupid?

Not even having a moment of hesitation, I brought the blade to my wrist and began to draw. Line after line appeared on my arms as crimson blood began to drip from every opening created. My arm was yet again another mess that will forever leave a scar. More tears fell from my eyes as I inflicted more pain to my skin.

At some point I moved to my other arm, creating more pain and scars. With a shaky sigh, I turned off the shower and began to finish getting changed. For some odd reason, I even wiped away some of the blood from my arm so it wouldn't soak through my clothing. Pulling my shirt over my head with a few flinches here and there from the contact of my wounded skin and the fabric of the shirt.

Suddenly, there was a chorus of bangs on the door which made me let out a yelp as I jumped/slipped on the wet floor and fell on my back-side. I let out a groan of pain as I heard the pounding getting more rapid and out of rhythm. Well, this is going to be fun to explain to everyone. Oh fuck life!

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