26. false hope

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i'm sorry for in advance, this chapter is sad.

kiara pov:

"dad!!!" i shout up the stairs as i slide my heels and jacket on. "dad!!!" i repeat before my dad comes running down the stairs. "i'm coming!" he says.

we're running a little late for the midwinters event that i planned. it's taken a while but i'm finally relaxing a little. i haven't seen the pogues much since last week. i spoke to cleo and she apologised, she said her mom's in hospital so she's really overwhelmed and she took it out on me. she knows that's not an excuse and what she said was awful, and it's the awareness that's convinced me to forgive her.

i've seen jj a few times since he stopped me from jumping off a bridge last week, and i've seen sarah a few times too. i haven't seen john b or pope. jj has been checking in a lot and sarah has too. they're really worried for me but i'm putting on a mask. as long as i have jj and sarah i'm okay. of course my dad and my other friends too, but jj and sarah are my rock.

me and my dad walk out of the door to the new house we've been officially moved into for the last 4 days. it's nice, and still on figure eight, it's a little closer to the cut which makes things easier for me. it was cleo's 18th last week and that was when i saw her. i didn't stay for long, but i did long enough to say happy birthday.

jj, john b and pope are all already 18, and cleo just turned 18 so now it's just me and sarah in a few weeks. and mine and sarah's birthday happens to be on the same day. when we were young we used to have joint birthday parties, but now we're having joint keggers.

me and my dad drive over to midwinters. i can't wait to see jj in his orange tie. i find it really cute that he wanted to match me. i think john b and pope are matching sarah and cleo too, so that's cool. when we get there most people are already there. only i could be late to my own event. "kiara!" sarah shouts as i get out the car. "come on! your dates been waiting for you! he's lonely!" she says. i laugh and we link arms when i get to her. we walk through the corridors, greeting people and answering a few questions about food and drink, until we finally reach the others.

"hey!" pope says. i give a small wave. "where's jj?" i say. "toilet" john b says. "you look amazing!" cleo says, hugging me. "you too" i say, smiling. i walk to the drinks table next to us and grab a glass of wine.

jj pov:

i quickly dry my hands and walk back out to the party. i spot sarah dancing with pope, so i assume that kie must be here, since sarah was waiting for her. i walk over. sarah smiles. "she's here!" she says as she points at a brunette with her hair half up half down, in an orange dress with a white fluffy jacket. she spins around with a glass of wine in her hand. she leans over to john b who's standing next to her, pouring himself a drink. he laughs at whatever she says, then she looks around to spot me. her face lightens up when she sees me, which causes me to smile. i walk towards her as she sets her drink down next to john b.

"i've been waiting for you!" i say as i hug her. "i know we were running a little late" she chuckles as she hugs me back. "you look gorgeous" i say. "you look great! the orange tie is a pop of colour and it makes the suit look less boring-" i cut off her rambling by softly kissing her. i feel her smile against my lips as she kisses me back for a moment. "do you have a drink?" she says as we walk towards the drinks table, hand in hand. "yeah pope's got it" i say. she grabs her wine from john b's hand, she careful examines and smells it for a sec. "it's been in my hand the entire time" john b says. ever since she got spiked, kie has been really cautious with what she drinks and so have the rest of us. we're also really carefully where we leave our drinks and who has access to them.

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