1. easy to admire

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jj pov:

i sigh as i tick a random box on the history assessment i'm currently doing. i don't like history, i don't like school at all, so i don't study or revise or anything. i don't care what grades i get and shit. i look over at pope, who's very invested in this test. pope is a major nerd. i love him, and he's my best friend, but he's a dork. he cares about school a lot and puts a lot of effort into revision and studying, and homework. i look at kiara, who's my other best friend. she looks bored too. she has her head on the desk, writing. kie cares about school, but not as much as pope does. kind of in the middle of me and pope. john b is the same as kie. he's sitting behind me. he's my other best friend, he cares, but doesn't at the same time. kie, pope and john b are my group, and there's sarah and cleo, but they don't take history. i wish i didn't. sarah and john b are dating, they have been for a while now, they're like inseparable, and cleo and pope have a little thing too, but they haven't confirmed anything. we all see it but them. i've always had a thing for kie, when we first became friends, i used to flirt around and stuff all the time, but she'd never take it seriously, she just shut me down. i still flirt around with her now, but it's just in a friendly way. i first met kie when we went to kindergarten together. me, pope and john b were in the canteen, and some kook kid started being mean to pope. calling him a poo head and shit, which sounds silly now, but we were only like 5, so that were the insults people used. and without a thought, kiara got up from her seat with her best friend, sarah cameron, and punched the kid in the face. it was funny, but kie got in a lot of trouble. after that, the kid never went near pope or any of us again. after that, we started to get to know kie, and sarah, and they became part of our group, and then we met cleo when we started in high school. i love my group and i wouldn't change them for the world, but sometimes i feel a bit lonely, like when i see john b and sarah, and cleo and pope all loved up, knowing i can never get further than fucking a girl one night and then never seeing her again. the bell rang and i closed my paper. the teacher collected it and i got up to leave, i waited for pope, kie and jb at the door. kie goes to walk away but the teacher asks her to stay behind. we wait for her outside as she talks to the teacher for a few minutes. "what was that about?" pope says to kie as she walks over to us. she shrugs her shoulders. "he was saying i'm not doing as well in school and that i need to start trying harder" she says. i snort. "prick" i say, referring to the history teacher. "tell me about it" she says, as the four of us walk into the canteen. kie walks over to our usual table, where cleo and sarah are sat. me, jb and pope go over to the queue and get some food. i wonder why kie didn't.. maybe she's just not hungry today. we get the food and go over to join the girls. "i would rather kill me, and you, and everyone else here, before letting that happen" kie says as we walk over. "why are you going on a killing rampage?" i say, putting my tray of food on the table, opposite kie and next to pope, who's next to cleo. "she might have to drop history if she doesn't start trying harder, and go to geography" sarah says. "yeah but like, you care about the planet and everything so much, wouldn't you rather take geography?" john b says, sitting next to sarah, who's next to kie. she shakes her head. "i already know enough to save the planet. i don't need to learn about the pressure of waterfalls or some shit" she says. "fair enough" pope says. kie let's out a long sigh. "i wanna cryyy" she moans. "i already know i did so shit on that test" i say, taking a bite of my pizza. "i did like half of the questions, and the ones i actually answered, i just guessed" i say. pope shakes his head. "you can't get a degree and a good future, from getting bad grades" he says. i shrug my shoulders. "and? i don't plan on getting a fancy job or anything. when i finish school, i'm just gonna go on a trip" i say. "a trip?" cleo says. "yeah, just like, travelling around the world" i say, taking another bite of my pizza. "you need a job to get money before you do that" john b says. i shrug my shoulders again. "i'll just, clean boats or something. i don't need an A in history to clean boats" i say. kie laughs. "sounds like, a shit plan" john b says. "i think it's a good idea. i've always wanted to travel" kie says. i smile. "see, not so shit" i say to john b, pointing at kie. he rolls his eyes. "i don't know what i'm gonna do when we leave school" pope says. "college or job?" sarah says. "oh definitely college" he says. "why would you want to do more school? i can't wait to get out of this place" cleo says. "same" kie said. "how about you kie?" i say. "turtle saving" she says. "i'm gonna get a big boat, and go to different beaches, stay at them for a few days, like living in the boat, and save turtles" she continues. "so basically travelling but saving turtles at the same time?" john b says. "yeah" kie says. "not a bad idea" john b says. "you said mine was a shit plan! that's basically the same as mine, just with turtles" i say. "hers is a little more thought out" pope says. "wowww guys. favouritism" i say sarcastically. "don't cry jay" cleo says. "shut up" i say. "you getting mad" cleo says. "i am actually i'm really offended" i say. "don't be, i can't speak for them but i love you and kie equally" she says. we laugh as the bell rings. we all quickly finish eating and head to our next classes.

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