22. misses her brother

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kiara pov:

i wake up without a clue where i am or what happened. i'm in some sort of basement, or cellar, and i'm fucking chained to a wall. it's dark and there's nobody here. there's a door but it's locked and i can't get to it because of the chains. there's not even any windows or anything. "help!" i scream, hoping there may be someone around outside that can help me. "help!!" i repeat but it's hopeless. the only thing i receive is the echoes of my shouts. how the fuck do i get out of here?

jj pov:

"fuck! we should've never thrown that party!" i shout. "god, i feel so guilty. she said it was a bad idea too" john b says. "i'm sure she's okay" cleo says. "what if she's not okay!?" i shout. "i don't know!" sarah shouts. "we have to find her!" i shout. "jj..." pope says. "no! he's dangerous! god knows what he could be doing to her right now!" i shout. sarah bites her nails as she stares at the floor. john b paces back and forth behind her. pope stands emotionless, probably trying to think of a plan and cleo buries her head in her hands. "what are we gonna do?" sarah's voice cracks. "i don't know. but we're gonna help her" i say. "but how!?" cleo says. we sit in silence for a few moments before sarah sighs. "i... i can talk to uh, rafe" she says.

after the court trial and everything, rafe got sentenced to 25 years in prison for attempted murder. he should've got life. he's a sick bastard.

"what!?" john b says. "okay no" cleo says. "he's in jail, he can't do anything. but if barry is doing this to kie because of rafe, then surely rafe knows about it, or has something to do with it. plus he fucking owes me, so..." sarah says. "i'll go with you" i say. she nods. "okay, come back here afterwards" pope says. we nod as i grab the keys to the twinkie. "guys" john b says. we stop. "be careful". we nod as head out the door.

kiara pov:

i sit with my back against the wall as i hug my knees. i lay my head down on top of them as tears roll down my face. i'm scared. actually, i'm fucking terrified. i don't even know who brought me here. i mean, i've got a pretty strong feeling it was barry, but i don't know for sure. i hope it isn't actually, because i don't think he'll think twice about killing me. he burnt my house down with me inside of it for something that wasn't even my fault, so he definitely won't think twice. i'm scared that he's gonna leave me down here forever, like, just let me starve or something. or keep me down here forever to torture me. if we wanted to kill me he would've done it already. he wants something else. i've been down here since last night, but i don't remember how i got here. because i was sleeping. well, i was spiked. i don't know how though, or when, or who by. i close my eyes and try to recall the events of the party. hanging with the pogues, dancing a little, hanging with them again, going to get a drink... shit.

when someone bumps into her. she doesn't recognise them, but they seem to know her. "oh, kiara! i'm sorry" the guy says. kie furrows her eyebrows. "do i know you?". "oh, no i'm pretty new around here, everyone knows you though. you've been in the news and shit" he says. "ohhh, right" kie says. she looks around, checking there's nobody behind her or anything. "alright, i'm gonna go" she says, walking around him and back to the others.

she looks around, checking there's nobody behind her or anything.

he could've easily slipped something in my drink when i was looking around. fuck! the vision, something in my eye? the stumbling around? how did i not realise?

my thoughts are interrupted by the door making a loud noise. i back up as far away from the door as i can get and sit nervously until it swings open. and just like i guessed, barry walks in.

"i knew it" i say. "shut up" he says. "barry, please let me go" i say. he chuckles. "as if". "i didn't do anything!" i say. "you did. it's your fault, rafe's in jail. you!" he says. i shake my head. "barry, he shot his sister". "that never would've happened if you hadn't of tried to press charges against him after what happened!" he shouts, pointing at me. he's angry, and it's scaring me. he stays silent for a few seconds. "at my party, when rafe shot sarah? he was there to shoot me right?" i say. barry nods. "that's also how it's your fault, your fault that sarah was shot. you almost got your best friend killed!" he shouts. i shake my head. "no! that wasn't my fault!" i say. "think about it kie. it was meant for you. it was your fault. and rafe being in jail, is your fault too" he says. "so what? what now? are you gonna kill me?" i say. he paces back and forth. "well, that's what i've been thinking about. because if i did, how would i do it? i want you to suffer. like rafe is in jail. so..." he trails off. "so?" i say. "well, i know what hurts you the most, isn't yourself. it's your friends, and your stupid little boyfriend" he says. "no" i say. he chuckles. "no no please, do anything to me just please leave them out of this" i say. "well, the thing is, kie... you care about your friends, more than yourself, so the only way to actually get you suffering like rafe is, is to harm your friends" he points. "no no no please!" i say as he begins to walk out of the door. "please! please leave them alone!" i cry.

he slams the door and leaves me alone again. crying in this big empty fucking room.

jj pov:

"are you sure about this?" i say to sarah as we go towards the door. she nods. "it's the best lead to kie that we have". i nod and we walk through the door. there's tables of prisoners, sitting opposite all kinds of people. my eyes dark around the room until i see him. i nudge sarah with my arm. she looks at me and i nod my head at rafe. she follows my eyes, and i watch her tense up as she sees him. "hey, it's alright. he can't hurt you" i say. she nods as she links her arm around mine and we walk towards rafe's table.

he looks at us and chuckles as we sit opposite him. he looks the same as he did in court. sleepless and mad. "what do you two want?" he says. "where is she?" sarah says. "don't know what you're talking about" he says. "cut the bullshit, rafe" i say. "i'm being serious, i don't know what you're talking about" he says. i sigh and shake my head. "barry? kidnapping kiara?" sarah says. rafe chuckles. "damn". "this funny to you?" i say. "jj" sarah says. "yeah it actually is because she's getting what she deserves" rafe says. "you sick fuck-" "guys" sarah says, cutting me off. i deathstare rafe as he keeps talking. "rafe. we're asking you, as your brother and sister, to please help us" sarah says. rafe looks at her. "please" she says. he shakes his head. "rafe, i know you still hold some love for kie, somewhere in you. you loved her, and part of you always will..." she says.

i feel partially sick to hear sarah say rafe still loves my girlfriend, but she's probably right. they were together for quite a while and feelings don't just disappear.

"and i know you don't want anything to happen to her" sarah says. "i was gonna kill her" rafe leans forward. "no, you weren't. you said that, you planned it, but you were never actually going to go through with it. you loved her, you know you'd never do anything to kill her. you don't want her to die. you don't want her to never be here again, never walk again, never talk again" sarah says.

i can tell she's starting to get to rafe. the way he's squeezing his eyes shut as sarah continues. he knows she's right.

"you know what barry is capable of. he burnt her house down, with her inside of it, rafe. he's not scared to kill her. but you are, you know you don't want this to happen. no matter how much you brush that feeling away, or tell yourself it's not there, you know it is" sarah's voice cracks. "you don't want her to die. please don't let her die".

rafe squeezes his eyes shut harder as he softly bangs the table. he pushes his lips together and moves his hand to his face, keeping his eyes closed as he pinches the top of his nose. i look at sarah. she looks at me back. she's hopeful. she knows rafe a lot better than i do, so i'm hoping she's got this. because if we can't get rafe to talk, we don't have a plan b. and we don't have time to think of one.

"and rafe, do this for me. i'm your twin sister, we know each other. we've grown up together. i helped you, with the panic attacks and the nightmares, i helped you. i was always there for you and now you can return the favour. plus, you shot me, so you kinda owe me one" she says. rafe finally opens his eyes and looks at sarah.

"please rafe. it's me. it's sarah, please" sarah says, her voice breaking again. rafe blinks slowly and a tear leaves his left eye. he sighs.

"i can't help you"
"rafe, please. don't let her die. if she does, it'll be on you. please rafe"

he sits in silence for a few seconds before finally speaking again.

"he's got her... locked up in his grandma's house. she's dead, so he used the basement in her house to his advantage. it's in charleston. it's a kook house. it's the only red house in charleston. that's where he's keeping her" rafe says.

"thankyou, rafe" sarah says.
"thankyou" i say.

rafe crosses his arms and leans back in his chair as we stand up.

"sarah?" he says.

we stop and look at him.

"i'm sorry. to both of you, and kiara" he says.

we both nod before leaving the jail. we get outside and sarah rests against the wall as she bursts out crying. she puts her hand over her mouth as she sobs. i walk over and wrap my arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"that was him jay... that was my brother. the one that hasn't been here in a long time" she cries.

i never got to see that side of rafe, but sarah did, and it's obviously breaking her heart knowing that he's still in there somewhere. she misses him. she misses that side of him. she misses her brother.

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