15. overthinking

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kiara pov:

"it's my dad" i say, getting up and walking a few steps away from the others around the campfire . i answer my phone and put it to my ear. "hey dad how's the holiday?" i say. "kiara..." he cries. i freeze. "dad?" i say. "dad what's wrong?" i say worriedly. "kiara.. it's.. it's your mom" he cries. my heart drops. "what?" i say. he doesn't say anything. i feel myself getting stressed and worried and the possibilities of what could have happened run through my head. "dad!?" i say. "she's gone.." he cries. "gone? what do you mean gone?" i say. "she's dead" he cries. i stop. the whole word just stops. i hear the pogues conversation in the distance but it's just mumbles as i've blocked everything out. my vision goes blurry and it feels like the world is spinning. "w..what?" i shiver through the phone. "she was involved in a car accident a few hours ago and she.. she didn't make it" my dad cries through the phone. "no.." i say. "i'm coming home tomorrow, i have to go" he cries as he hangs up. my arm drops to my side and my phone falls out of my hand and onto the floor. "kie?". it feels like the whole world is caving in and i feel arms wrap around me as i drop. i sob into jj's arms for a few minutes until i can finally speak. "what happened kie?" sarah says, putting her arm on my back. "my mom... she's d..dead" i tremble. "what!?" sarah says as i feel jj pull my head onto his chest. "what? how.." john b says. "car accident a few hours ago" i cry. "oh my god i'm so sorry kie" sarah says.

jj pov:

it's been two days since kie's mom died and i haven't really seen her. her dad came back and she's been at home with him, i've been staying at the chateau. she's been on facetime with me, john b and sarah a few times but she doesn't say much. she said the funeral is on monday and she wants us all to be there. i just hope she's okay. its a lot to go through, losing a parent. i would know.

"it's kie!!" sarah says as her phone rings. me and john b go over as sarah answers it.

"hey.. how are you?" sarah says. "i'm okay" kie says. "how's your dad?" i say. "he's okay, good as he can be when his wife just died" she says. "yeah" i say. "the guy that hit her has been charged for life. he was on his phone and crashed into her as her and my dad were crossing the road. my dad managed to get out of the way" she says. "i'm so sorry kie. do you need anything?" i say. "no, but sarah can you come over? my dad said the only one that can come is sarah" she says.

i'm a little upset as i would like to see her but her parents hate me so i understand.

"yeah, i'll come now" sarah says. "okay, see you soon" kie says. "bye kie" john b says. "bye, love you kie" i say. "bye" she says and hangs up the phone.

i'm a little confused at her not saying 'love you' back but i know she's grieving and she's got a lot on her mind at the minute so maybe she just needs some space. or she didn't hear me say it.

sarah gets her stuff ready and gets to kiara's, and i stay with john b.

kiara pov:

"hey" sarah says, pulling me into a hug. "hey" i say as i hug her back. my dad is sat on the sofa. "hi, mr carrera" sarah says. he gives her a small smile. me and sarah go up to my room and walk for a little before i bring up jj.

"what about him?" sarah says. "i don't know... i love him, so much and he's the best but i'm in no place to be a good girlfriend right now and he deserves someone who's can be that for him" i say. "kie, you are a good girlfriend, and he wants you. he loves you" she says. "he deserves better" i say. "is this really about him deserving better?" she says. i furrow my eyebrows. "what else would it be about?" i say. "i don't know... a lot has happened in the past few weeks kie" she says. "i know... trust me i know" i say. "if you really think breaking up with him is the best thing then i'm not gonna stop you. but if you do i need you to know that i'm not picking sides or anything. you're my best friend and he's my brother. but kie, he loves you, and you love him. and i know you're going through a lot right now but i really think he can help you" she says. i sigh and we sit in silence for a few seconds.

"what do you think rafe wanted to talk to us about at the party?" i say. "what do you mean?" she says. "when he grabbed us and dragged us to talk to us, before jj started having a go at him and everything blew up" i say. "well, there's not much else to want to talk about than that night.. when he.. you know" she says. "tried to rape me, yeah i guess but why would he wanna talk about it now? 3 years later?" i say. she shrugs her shoulders. "what else could it have been about though?" she says. i nod my head. "true" i say. "hey sarah?" i say. "yeah?" she says. "thankyou" i say. "what for?" she says. "being there that night. helping me and being there for me... if you hadn't have come in he would've done it" i say. "kiara, of course. i'm always here for you" she say.

"how's things with john b? y'all gonna get married?" i say. she laughs. "not quite yet, but it's going great. he's really great" she says. i smile. "you deserve each other. you both deserve to be happy" i say. "you do too" she says.

jj pov:

i sit with john b in his room at the chateau.

"jj" he says. "mhm?" "you alright?" he says. i nod. "i just... i'm just worried about kie" i say. "she's a strong girl. she's gonna be okay" he says. i nod. he's right, she is strong. "plus sarah's with her so she's probably cheering her up" he says. he's right again. sarah and kie have the type of friendship where they could just giggle about anything, so hopefully sarah has her giggling right now.

"how's things, with you and kie?" he says. "they're good, i think. she's been acting a little off but that's probably because her mom just died" i say. he nods. "why?" i say. "just trying to start a conversation" he says.

everything just feels so off right now, i feel worried. i can't lose kie. i hope i don't. i hope i'm just overthinking.


(1245 words)

could this be the downfall of jiara?

writing is kinda keeping my mind off of how shit my life is at the minute so yeah i'm gonna be updating more. i'm also currently writing a story called. "platonically" and jj gets kie pregnant! it's nearly finished so i'll let y'all know when that's out and maybe give it a read.

see you soon- molly

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