chapter one - starting off the day

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Butters POV:

I woke up to hear my mom yelling from downstairs. "Butters! Wake up and get ready for school before you miss the bus and you're late!" she shouted. She was probably in the kitchen or by the door leaving for work I thought to myself. I let out a sigh and hop out of bed and stretch. I look at the alarm clock in my room that did not alarm me to wake up this morning. The time read 7:54, "No big deal I said as I yawned. "wait, 7:54"!?!? i nearly shouted.

"OH HAMBURGERS! THE BUS ARRIVES AT THE STOP AT 8"! I rushed to get ready, before I left I looked at my reflection in a mirror downstairs and sprinted out the door. As I arrived at the bus stop I saw my friends, Stan, Kenny, and Kyle, Cartman was there to but I don't consider him my friend because he likes to bully me sometimes.

I don't think anyone noticed I was there, it was to loud anyway the bus has just arrived and Kyle and Cartman were fighting, like always. "Well at least I'm not a jew fag from jersey"! Cartman shouted as loud as he could. Kyle looked red and angry, "For the last time fastass!" "I'm not gay"! Kyle nearly screamed at him. Stan had ditched Kyle to sit with his girlfriend, Wendy Testaburger.

Kyle ended up next to me which was strange since he usually sat next to Kenny when Stan left him. I looked over to see Kenny next to Cartman I felt a bit jealous because I wanted to sit next to Kenny and he shouldn't  have to sit next to such a horrible person.

"Oh hey Kyle"! I said as soon as he sat down. He looked at me before saying "Hey Butters".  I looked over at Kyle as he was on his phone, his eyes looked like there was no more life in them. Overall he just looked and seemed so sad. "Kyle are you ok?" I asked with a concerned voice. His eyes grew a bit wider as he was stunned by the question. "Oh of course in fine Butters!" "I always have been fine and always will be!" He answered with a smile and a happy tone. I didn't really believe Kyle but I'm only assuming things about him which I should stop doing. For the rest of the ride to school me and Kyle were quiet I just looked out the window to see the snow on the ground that had fallen last night.

Kyles POV:

"Why would Butters ask me if I'm okay?" I thought to myself. I don't know why I lied to him, I'm not okay. My grades had gone down at a huge rate, out of my 7 classes I only had 3 A's, they all used to be A's. My mom and dad have yelled at me for them and even grounded me for about two weeks at one point. I'm never going to be good enough, I'm so stupid. Ever since I started liking HIM things have gotten worse. He just ditches me and sometimes ignores me just to hang out with his on and off girlfriend, Wendy. I feel jealously whenever I hear her name she's so lucky, I wish I was Wendy.

3rd Person POV:

The bus had stopped and the driver screamed at everyone to get off. Everyone hurried off and went inside their schools double doors. Kenny was relieved because he was super tired and sitting next to Cartman didn't help at all. The poor tall  dirty blonde boy had been up almost till the sun came up watching over the town.

Nobody knew but Kenny had a double life. Kenny was the towns beloved superhero, Mysterion. The leader of a small group of heroes that watched over the town. No one knew who any of the heroes were, well except one. Mysterion had always known one of his teammates true identities, that hero was Toolshed. His true identity was Stan Marsh, he only knew this because he was the one who made her a superhero.

In other words he gave him, his charm. The charms were ancient artifacts that came to earth thousands of years ago. These charms had powers that it's holder/user could use. Each charm was different than the last one. All of them were unique and if it fell into the wrong hands could be used for evil. Sadly a few of the charms had fallen into the villains hand but one charm was missing and no one knew who had it, not even Mysterion or Professor Chaos.

Speaking of the villain team, Kenny and his team of heroes weren't the only ones living a double life. None other than Butters and his team were to. Again no one knew who these villains were but no one suspected that Butters would be their leader. The seemingly "innocent" and "kind" blonde haired boy would have been everyone's last guess on the list of people that were suspected. That's why doing most things were easy for the 16 year-old boy to do, only because he would do it and no one would suspect him of the crime.

Kenny's POV:

"I swear to god, first period is always so boringgg." I thought in my head because if I were to say it out loud Mrs. Stevenson would give me detention big time. It was only boring because it was Math, something that I'm not really good at. I never cared for math most of it was boring and useless in the "real world" anyway. Another reason why this class is so boring is because

I only have one friend in it, Kyle. I've known Kyle since preschool and we've been good friends but something about him just seems off. Or maybe I'm off, by a lot. "Maybe I should stop going out every night till the sun comes up." I muttered to myself. I had no idea I had just said that out loud, I started to panic a bit, but then realized only Kyle heard me.

I turned to him and he was looking at me with a confused face. Taking the piece of paper I was already doodling on I wrote "IM NOT DRINKING WITH STAN AGAIN I SWEAR." "I'LL TELL YOU LATER." he just nodded and stared at the floor. Jesus something might actually be wrong with him. I only said I wasn't drinking because Kyle caught me and Stan once at Starks Pond drinking because Stan called him telling him he was going to take his life.

I felt bad for Kyle as he came puffy eyed and very worried. We were both drunk so I don't really remembered what happened after that but I woke up on Kyles bedroom floor, Stan snoring on Kyles bed and no Kyle to be found. I try to forget what happened after I woke up as it truly changed me, I shake my head to get rid of the thought and go back   to doodling on my paper.

This chapter is all over the place I'm sorry 😭🙏🏼

Words: 1201

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