chapter three - fuck it happened again

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Toolshed/Stan's POV:

"Holy shit my first one on one mission with Mysterion!" I nearly screamed when I answered my watch. After jumping up and down like a little girl who had just for her first doll, I rummaged through the things I had on my desk before finding my bracelet which had a tool symbol charm on it. I said my phrase and then I was Toolshed. (Please give me ideas for his transformation phrase I have none 😢)

I opened my bedroom window looking at my reflection in the glass. For a second I saw myself right behind me, 10 year-old me with a bottle of beer in hand. He didn't move just looked at me with red puffy eyes that were filled with water that was about to pour out. As I started to walk more towards the window it didn't move just looked at me more.

I jumped out the window and started sprinting towards where Mysterion had said to meet up. As I grew closer to the house I saw something, it looked like a kite and it was flying above the town but to far up to the point I couldn't make out a face or anything. I shrugged it off and ran towards the house and opened the door. *GUNSHOT*

Mysterion/Kenny's POV:

I looked down at myself to see a red spot on my costume. Turning around I saw Stephen, still on the floor but gun in hand. "That's what you get you little bitch." he muttered before passing out on his bedroom floor. Footsteps could be heard coming up from the stairs, it was Toolshed. "HOLY SHIT" he yelled before shifting his eyes towards me.

"Yo" I had said calmly before trying to move toward him. The spot of blood on my suit had grown bigger and I could feel myself getting dizzy. "Toolshed, get the gun." Without a response he just nodded and handed it to me. "See you tomorrow man." I said before putting the gun to my head and pulling the trigger.

"BOSS!" BOSS NO WAKE UP." "STAY WITH ME HERE BOSS!" I heard toolshed scream before everything went black. As soon as I opened my eyes again I was in my bed but something was different, I could feel something on top of me it was warm and light like a blanket. My eyes shot up as I realized it was Butters.

His head was on my chest and his arms were wrapped around my torso, I was stuck, I couldn't move without him waking up or making noise. Trying to move his arms away from my torso he ended up holding onto me tighter and push his head more into my chest. I could feel myself start to burn up and my heart raced, he was asleep though he probably thought I was a pillow, he didn't know he was doing this. I feel his head start to move up so I try my hardest to make it look like I was still asleep.

"W-What.." I heard him stutter, "oh hey ken, wait.. KEN!?!?" he nearly shouted at the last bit. "Morning Bunny." "OMG KEN IM SO SORRY I-I." I put my hand over his mouth before he could say more, "It's fine Bunny, you didn't do anything wrong." I watched as he buried his face in his hands and starting to sit up more. Picking up my nearly dead phone I looked at the time, 6:48. "Come on bunny, lets get up and get ready to go to school." I said before realizing that he had no clothes other than what he was wearing. That's when I decided that I'm going to sneak him back into his room to change. I already had my orange parka on so I grabbed my bag and took Butters hand and walked to Karen's room.

I knocked on her door and she opened it almost instantly. "LEO!!" She screamed before jumping on him and hugging him. "Why hello there Karen, you have sure grown a lot since the last time I saw you." He said calmly with a smile on his face. Despite almost everyone calling him Butters, Karen still insisted to call him Leo. I think it took him awhile to ease into it but we both adore that she calls him Leo. "Time to go." I said while looking at my phone screen. "Okay.." Karen replied back with a saddened face. Karen hops on my back as we take off from our run down falling apart house.

(This is kind of rushed because I'm in the car 😅😅)

Words: 775

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