chapter 9 - someone save me

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Toolshed POV:

What the hell... What happened? Why does my body hurt so much. I try to rub my eyes but my arms felt heavy and I couldn't move them at all. I blink a few times as my vision adjusts, when it does I'm in an unfamiliar room and I try to speak but it just comes out muffled. My goggles were still on my face but a piece of tape was over my mouth. My hands and feet were bound to a chair and I could barley move. The room was dark and there was only a small light that flickered over my head, i could see that my tools were placed on a table towards the corner of the room.

There was no windows in the room, there was a steel door with 3 locks on it. I tried to break free and shout but for help from nothing worked. Accepting defeat I laid back into the chair before hearing footsteps and the locks being unlocked from the outside. A bit of hope sparked in me hoping that it was someone from my team but when the door opened it was Professor Chaos and the hooded figure from before.

"Well, well, well, someone was very noisy after waking up from his nap huh?" He flipped a switch on the wall which caused a lot more lights to turn on and the one above me to turn off. The hooded figure goes to the table where my stuff are and sits down and examines them each closely. I try to move and yell but it was just all muffled. "Aw what's the matter? Does the hero want to speak? I guess I could let you speak, for now." Chaos then ripped the piece of tape off my mouth hard, which hurt a lot.

"Let- Let me go you fucking prick!" I shouted, this earned me a hard slap on the face. I winced at the pain of the slap and turned my head to look away from him. "Don't take that tone with me, it will only make what I need to do much worse." He said while turning around and walking  toward a shelf that was filled with weapons and some other things.  "You want some water? You look thirsty." He came over to me with a glass of water. I didn't respond and he just splashed the water on me.

"Oops, I'm sorry my finger slipped!" He laughed in my face but I didn't look at him. He grabbed my face and he leaned in closer to me. "LOOK AT ME OR I WILL..."  I immediately looked at him because I wasn't trying to get hurt here.  "Good little hero, now, would you like to share with me some things? Like where your base is.." He let go of my face and stepped back.  "Like I'd ever share that information with an asshat like you." I try to put on a tough act, there's no way I was going to show weakness in front of the enemy.

I was hit with a punch in the face, surprisingly Chaos was strong, blood started to trickle down my nose. My white shirt was covered with spots of red blood now and every time he asked me a question I refused to give him an answer, each question earned me some sort of punishment for not answering. But I didn't care, i would never tell him anything and betray my team. "Okay fine little hero, you wanna play hard? Fine, I guess I'll have to resort to..other methods to get you to speak."

Saying that he walked over to the shelf and grabbed a butchers knife, I felt my heart start beating faster and my stomach dropping. "Now let me ask you again, who really is Mysterion?"
"I don't know who Mysterion is!" I shouted at him, this earned me another slap in the face and my chair falling backwards onto the floor. Chaos picked it back up and held the knife to my face and asked me again. "I DON'T KNOW! I SWEAR TO GOD I DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS, NO ONE DOES!" I cried out I felt tears coming down my face and falling onto my blood stained shirt.

"I gave you enough chances hero... now which finger do you want to lose?" He only smiled and glared at me, my eyes widened as he looked down at my hands and placed the knife over my left hands pointer finger. "WAIT STOP PLEASE! I DON'T KNOW! IM TELLING THE TRUTH PLEASE DONT DO THIS!" I pleaded with him while more tears fell down and fear came into my mind.  "Oh hush up, this is what happens when you choose to lie to me" He picked up the roll of tape and stuck another piece of it on my mouth.

I tried to scream and wiggle my way out of the ropes that held me down but nothing worked. I felt the knife on my skin and the pressure of it going on my finger which caused me to scream in pain and heavy tears started falling from my eyes. It's over, I'm going to die here, that was all I could think of, before the hooded figure stood up and yelled at Chaos.

"Enough Chaos! We have bigger problems and you haven't even solved my problem yet!" Saying that he stopped and dropped the knife to the floor, my finger was bleeding and I felt my body ease up. I watched as the hooded figure and Chaos whispered into each others ears and then get up. "You got lucky little hero, but I'll be back later!" He smiled and turned off the lights and walked out with the hooded figure.

I thought about the hooded figure, did they just save me? No, they work with Chaos they must be pure evil, or maybe they did actually find something. But something about them seemed familiar, like really familiar. Okay enough about them, how do I get out of here? I can't wait for my team. I need to find a away out, and fast.

Words: 1008

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