chapter 7 - why hello there

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*inserts another time skip*

So basically Cartman didn't say anything about Butters punching him and breaking his nose. ONLY BECAUSE he didn't want to sound like a baby who got beat up to everyone since he was "tough" and the "alpha o' mega". Plus he found Heidi after school ended and lied to her and said he got into a fight with some dude who was talking mad shit abt her.

Professor Chaos POV:

Couldn't go home, so I guess I'll just stay in my lab. I walked to the flower shop which I worked at but also owned, well Professor Chaos owns the building, not Leopold Butters Stotch. Of course I didn't actually put my name or Professor Chaos, that would give me away. Surprisingly there was no Kenny after school ended, or maybe I just didn't see him, I don't know. Taking out the keys from my bags front pocket I unlock the door and walk inside, to which I was greeted by the smell of fresh flowers.

The smell was nice and always calmed me, and it kind of reminded me of- never mind.. Going to the tiny book shelf in the left corner I pull out a bright blue book, and there im greeted with my facial recognition pad and my finger print pad. I programmed it all myself, well kind of did, with the help of General Disarray and Kyle.

After doing everything necessary I walk down the stair case and enter my lab. Full of tech and gadgets, a spare bedroom just in case, and the basement. After dropping my bag down in the floor I take a seat in my chair and look at the big black flat screen in front of me. Before I could even do anything I hear my phone buzzing.

*incoming call from Kyle* *incoming call from Kyle*

I take it out of my pocket and press accept.

Kyle 🧠✡️: "CHAOS!?" "CHAOS ARE YOU THERE!?!?" he was nearly screaming into the speaker so I pulled the phone away from my ear and put it on speaker.

PC ⚡️🦹🏼: "why hello there Kyle" "what seems to be the problem, you seem a little..panicky."


PC ⚡️🦹🏼: "Kyle calm down im not busy, but your problem does seem very important so I'll help you." "Meet at ******* asap I'll be waiting." I said before hanging up.

I pick at the little charm on my bracelet and get ready to transform into Professor Chaos.
"Chaos rises!" Before I know it I'm Professor Chaos. I then walk out of my lab and back up to the shop. Making sure the place was secure and that no one was around outside which no one was because the sun was setting. I head out and lock the door and with my powers I summon a flash of lighting just because I was in the mood.

Waiting on the rooftop of the mall I finally see a figure coming closer, I thought it was a hooded Kyle but as it got closer I was clearly wrong. It was Mysterion. In a few seconds he went from rooftop to rooftop and I watched. Until he was on top of the roof of the building right in front of the mall. He glared at me and I just stared back at him. Then in the blink of an eye he was gone, or so I thought, before he appeared behind me.

"Aw Mysty, how do you always know where to find me?
"I think someone might have a crush~"

"As if I'd ever like a villain like you Chaos, now whatever your plan is im here to stop it." he snapped
"Oh Mysterion I would love to stay and chat but I must be going I have to attend to a very important problem.."

"Watch it Chaos, you aren't leaving this very rooftop." He put a foot down and stepped forward

"Oh so serious." "How you going to stop me Mysty?"

"For the last time Chaos it's Mysterion, and by doing this." He gets ready to attack me, but before he could, I shot lightning and just like that I was gone.

After using my signature escape method I to the schools roof to meet up with Kyle. He probably beat me, no, he definitely beat me. As soon as I get there I hop onto the elementary schools roof and saw him there and he was sitting clutching onto something tightly in his hand while his leg bounced up and down which indicated he was stressed.

"Sorry for being late, I ran into some..trouble."
"AH!" "CHAOS ITS FINE BUT YOU NEED TO HELP ME PLEASE!" He was begging I don't know why, he already helps me with half of my plans so I kind of owe him.
"Okay Kyle I'll help, but you need to calm down first." Kyle starts to control his breathing by using his hand and holding up a certain number of fingers and then breathing in and out each time.
"Now what's the problem you rarely ask ME for help, it's usually the other way around." I try to laugh it off but he doesn't laugh or smile.
He holds out his hand and opens it to reveal a necklace with some blueish green gem on it that seemed to be broken.
"Chaos please, you're the only person who can help and I-I, this is really special to me. "Please tell me you can fix it, it's the last thing I have from— I cut him off by holding up my hand.
"I don't know if I can fix a necklace and some random gem, but I can try." I replied while signaling for him to come with me.

3rd p POV:
Little did Chaos and Kyle know, they weren't the only ones near the school, and whoever the person was watching their every move to try and find out who the hooded person who was with Chaos was.

Sorry you guys I wasn't really feeling good while writing this chapter for it might suck.
(This will be the last chapter a post for the next couple of days, I'm so sorry guys.)

Words: 1035

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