chapter 15 - nighty night

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Mysterion POV:

I can't stay here, I need to leave. Using the wall for a bit of support I walk out of the room. Call Girl and Super C have yet to return, I wonder if they found him yet. Walking to the nearest window, I open it and jump out. At first I landed on my feet but I almost lost my balance from the sharp pain in my legs. It was fine though, or probably was fine.

I walk away from base making sure to close the window before I left. Finally setting foot on sidewalk again, I start walking straight instead of turning, there was no reason to go back home so no need to rush it. It was quiet but the air was freezing cold, not a single sound was made or heard. I feel a gust of wind come right past me, but it wasn't windy.

I look around me before finally looking up. High up in the sky there was something flying. Is that a fucking kite!? How the hell does a kite fly that high? Well there's all those fancy ass kites now so I guess some rich kid got lucky. It's late though, who'd let their kid out at this time? Eh not my place to judge other people's parenting. That was strange though..

Chaos POV:

Staring up at the night sky on the tallest building in town. All I see is stars and clouds, but something weird catches my eye. Is that a kite? I didn't know kites could fly THAT high. Maybe it's not a kite but some weird animal or something. I blink and the kite looking thing was gone. Did I just imagine that? No, there's no way, I just need to go back to my lair and get some sleep.

With the decision being made I summoned a bolt of lightening and I was gone. After unlocking everything i was finally in my lair. Finally done and safe. "Chaos falls." I yawn, I'm just Leo now. I walk into the spare room I had
and fell asleep as soon as my body hit the bed.

Mysterion POV:

Fucking finally, it took fucking forever to get back to this shit-hole. I open the door, it's locked. The one time they actually remembered to lock the door.. Guess I'll just have to get in another way. Walking to the side I lift the window that leads to my room up. There was a lock in it but a broke a few years ago and literally anything could have broken in since.

Climbing inside, I don't even bother to be quiet it's not like anyone was awake, and if someone was it's not like they would care. I close the window shut before making my way to the outlet in my room. Sometimes it worked, other times it didn't, this so happened to be one of the times that it actually worked. For once my phone was fully charged. "Darkness falls.." suddenly I'm back to just being me, plain old Kenny McCormick.

I check the notifications, 3 from Buttercup, 4 from Cartman, and, 14 from Kyle. "WAIT WHAT!?" I nearly shout, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud. I open messages and click on Kyle's contact. The first messages were about school, but the rest were about Stan. He seems concerned and worried too.. What the hell am I supposed to tell him!? 'Sorry Kyle, Stan is actually a superhero named Toolshed and got captured by Professor Chaos!' I roll my eyes and send him a text back saying I haven't seen Stan and that he was probably just grounded.

I set my phone down on the floor and just stare at my ceiling.

When I open my eyes again I'm in a dark room with a dim light flickering above me. Did I just dream about going home? What the fuck is wrong with me!? I look around I can barley seen anything, I try to move my arms and legs but they are bound to the chair I'm on.

I hear the door open and someone walk inside. "Oh good morning Mysterion!" Chaos grinned and flipped on the light. "Very original Chaos, now let me go or I will personally break your face." He looked unfazed and walked closer. Grabbing my hood he takes it off, I try to move but I can't. "You're hair reminds me of someones who I know.. Why don't I let you meet them!" He walks out and I try to reach into my belt but I stop when he opens the door again.

He's dragging a chair with him, the person in it is squirming around and shouting but it's all muffled. "Why don't you meet my friend Mysty! This is Leo!" A smirk is plastered on his face, my eyes widen. He looks at me with puffy red eyes filled with fear and tears. "WHAT THE FUCK CHAOS!? HE DID NOTHING WRONG, LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS! ITS ME YOU WANT RIGHT!? TAKE ME BUT LET HIM GO!" I shout while all Chaos does is stand there.

"I'm sorry but, this little fella was just as unfortunate enough to know the 'great mysterion'. He grabs something out from behind his back, a gun. "Now Mysterion are you going to give up and give in? Or is this kid going to get it!?" He laughs and points the gun to Leo's head. Leo tried to scream and tears started to pour out from his eyes. "OKAY, OKAY! I GIVE UP! YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO ME! Just let him go first!" I plead feeling tears sting in my eyes but they don't fall.  "Oh, okay then!" He looks like he's going to let him go but then. *GUNSHOT* He pulled the trigger.

"Oh! Whoopsie!" He breaks out into a laugh. He actually did it. He killed Leo. His lifeless body right in front of me, I could have done something, I could have saved him. "YOU FUCKING BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU CHAOS. YOURE A FUCKING DEAD MAN!" I shout with my entire chest, feeling the anger rise in me. "Oh I forgot about you! Sorry Mysterion but I can't leave any witnesses." He points the gun at me and when he's about to pull the trigger I jolt awake.

I jump up from the floor and look around, I'm just in my room, I dreamt all of that. Picking up my phone I look at the time, 6:54. I can't let something like that happen again, I have to be more careful. Especially with the person I love.

Words: 1121

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