chapter 14 - disappearing

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Mysterion POV:

I wake back up in the same bed from earlier, but instead of silence there was shouting. It didn't spook me though, this was the average wake up call in my house. Slowly I move my body, and let my feet touch the floor before finding the strength of get up. I almost fall but I hold the wall for support, and with the found success of getting up I walk towards the door and open it.

Another voice started yelling back, the shouting for louder and louder, jesus how fucking pissed off are they at each other!? Still holding the wall I make my way to the room next to me and place my hand on the doorknob and open the door. I peak inside, Super C is inside the room along with Call Girl. I fully open the door and see Toolshed, he was awake and shouting at the two.

He stops and looks at me, a blank look on his face. Call Girl and Super C look over at me as well and then glance back at Toolshed. "You.." he mutters, while raising his hand to point at me. "You were there when he took me.."  "YOU LET HIM TAKE ME!" My eyes widen at his words. "What!? Toolshed we didn't—" I was cut off by him shouting, "YOU FUCKING LIAR! YOU AND MOSQUITO TOOK OFF WITHOUT ME, YOU LEFT ME!"

"Toolshed you need to calm down, I'm sorry that we left you but we thought that you were right behind us. It wasn't my intention for you to get captured!"
"BULLSHIT MYSTERION! 6 DAYS. I WAS GONE FOR 6 FUCKING DAYS BEFORE YOU CARED ENOUGH TO GET ME!" He gets up from the bed, he almost falls down but catches his balance just in time.
"YOU FUCKING SHITS WANTED ME TO DIE THERE DIDN'T YOU!? YEAH LETS KILL OFF TOOLSHED!" He lunges forward at me but Super C interferes and holds him back.

"Toolshed I'm sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen I swear, I didn't want my friend to get hurt ." Call Girl walks over and helps Super C calm him down, she makes him face her and tries to calm him down. I slowly start walking towards him. But Super C and Call Girl couldn't hold him down for that long, he broke out by kicking Call Girl in the shin making her let go. Super C tried to hold him down but he grabbed something out of his belt and tried to hit SC with it.

He missed because Super C let go and stepped back. But I was right there, and just like that a screwdriver slashed some of my hood and my face. Everyone gasped and I watched as Toolshed's eyes widened with fear and realization to what he and just done. "Dude it's okay. I know you didn't mean it I'm fine." I say while wiping the dripping blood from the gash. He didn't respond but after a few seconds he limp ran out of the room.

"WAIT TOOLSHED COME BACK!" Call Girl called out while running to the door. Super C then rushes over to a cabinet and gets out a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a rag. I felt the blood run down my cheek but this feeling wasn't new. I've been impaled, burned alive, decapitated, and so on. This was only a small thing compared to the other things I've had happen to me. But if it was dirty then, oh well another new way for me to die. He hands the bottle and rag to me before running after Call Girl.

Toolshed POV:

Why'd I do that!? Superheroes aren't supposed to hurt other superheroes! My whole body hurts but it doesn't matter I just have to get out of here. I here Super C and Call Girl shout from behind me, but I'm not going to stop. Finally the way out is in sight, I try to speed up but it just puts my body in more pain. I slam my hand into the recognition pad, hoping it would recognize my hand print before they caught up for me, luckily it did. I run out into the cold night, the cold air blows against my face as I run.

Hockey was rough, but this? This was SO MUCH worse. I finally make it back into the streets, I don't know where I'm going, I don't know I can make it back home. Hearing voices coming closer I book it, fuck it, home it is. I run straight down the street, it would take longer but at least there's more ways I can throw them off my trail. After passing a bunch of buildings a person finally comes into sight, shit. They would just ask which way I went, I can't risk it.

"Hey! You're that—" I cut him off by pulling him into the nearby alleyway. I cover his mouth and signal for him to be quiet. Finally, I hear them pass by, I take my hand off this hand mouth, I look at him, curly ginger hair, freckles covered his eyes!? "KYLE!?" I whisper shout, trying to be quiet so they don't hear me.

"How do you know my name? Also rude, strangers don't pull strangers into an alleyway unless their going to kidnap them!" He looks back at me kind of pissed but also confused. Oh right I'm not 'Stan' I'm Toolshed, Kyle doesn't know that it's me. "I'm sorry but I'm kind of in a huge pickle right now and I couldn't risk ANYTHING right now." I apologize and wait for a response, I don't get one. "Also why are you out so late? It's fucking freezing!"  "That's none of your concern hero, but why are YOU running in the streets so late at night?"

"I'm a hero, it's what I do."
"Well pulling a random stranger into an alleyway isn't really hero work is it?"
"It's not, but I already apologized for it- Anyway, come on let me get you home." I hold out my hand to him but he slaps it away.
"No thank you. I can get home on my own, I don't need your help." He walks right past me and I quickly turn around to catch up.
"Well I'm sorry, but it's a heroes duty to make sure that citizens are safe. That includes YOU too." Kyle doesn't respond and just looks straight ahead.
"You never answered my question you know. How do you know who I am?" He finally looks at me, well I know because I'm your super best friend duh, I can't say that though.
"South Park's a small town, everyone knows everyone." I shrug, and silence fills the air around us again.

"So...You got any friends? Usually most people are out partying with their friends at this hour." That was stupid I don't know why I asked that..
"Yes I have friends, but their none of your concern. Oh well, one of them might be."
"And who might be the one I need to look for?"
"His names Stan, or Stanley Marsh. I've tried texting him for days now but he hasn't responded at all, I even went to his house but no answer. I'm just worried about him." My eyes widen at his words. He was worried about me? Wow.
"Can you describe Stan to me? I might be able to help." I manage to cough out.
"Oh yeah, he's a bit shorter than me, about your height actually, raven colored hair, and blue eyes. Oh wait! He also has a blue hat with a red puffball at the top."
"Okay I'll tell my team and we can look for him!" He doesn't respond but a small smile appeared on his face. I couldn't help but smile too, if only Kyle knew that his super best friend was right here.

Words: 1327

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