chapter 16 - stanley marsh

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(This chapter is mainly about Stan and what he goes through after the whole "incident" so skip if you want. I've been feeling really unmotivated lately so here have this.)

CONTAINS: underage drinking, suicidal thoughts, and attempted suicide

3rd Person POV:

Everyone was tired in the morning because it was a school day and let's be honest no one in town liked school. The teens who were out late last night at least got some hours of sleep, unlike Stan Marsh. The boy who'd been put through hell and was rescued could not sleep, every time he tried he would almost doze off but would always see the room and him. His parents weren't home and wouldn't be for at least another 2 weeks, there was some family emergency and they left, without him.

Stan's POV:

Day 1 of being awake.

I force myself to stare at the light so I wouldn't fall asleep. It wasn't long before I saw through the window that the sun was coming up. I can't go to school today, I won't go to school today. There's no point anyway, who they going to call about my absence? My parents? My sister? "Pfft" I laugh and I can start to feel my eyes closing, as soon as they do I jolt back up. No, no, no, no, no. I can't sleep, I refuse to fall asleep.

I reach over to grab my phone, I look at my arm, once there was only a bruise or two on it or a cut but now, all I can on it is bruised and cuts. Turning it on I see at least 20+ notifications, most of them were from Kyle, the rest were either something stupid or from other people. I open all the texts from Kyle and read them. All of them share concern to where I was and why I wasn't answering. At least someone cared.. Wait he came to my house!?

*time skip*

Day 3 of being awake.

For some reason Cartman and Kenny came to my house and knocked on my door, of course I didn't answer. I think the lack of sleep I've been getting is finally catching up to me, I keep hearing his voice, his laugh. Walking downstairs everything's so dark, it feels so empty. Going to the kitchen I flick on the light switch and open the fridge. 6 bottles of cold beer look directly at me, hesitantly I go to grab a bottle but I pull my hand back.

"Stop it Stan! You've been sober for almost 7 months!" I scold myself, I sound like my mom. Go ahead Stan.. Grab the bottle, take a drink, you've been through so much.. I don't even try to resist I quickly snatch the bottle, almost dropping it on the floor, popping it open I chug it down. There goes 7 months of work.

*time skip*

Day 5 of being awake

Spent the rest of day 3 and 4 drinking. So many texts from Wendy and Kyle, some from Kenny. I have this major headache so I can't really respond to them, also because I don't really want to. 7 months of work and therapy all gone, god fucking dammit. The headache I have just adds to to pain I feel throughout my body, I don't think I can go on with this daily pain, it feels like I'm being stabbed and punched all over.

I feel my eyes closing but I don't open them again, I hope that I don't wake up so I don't have to feel this pain anymore, it's not like anyone would care. Letting all the thoughts I have cloud my mind, I can no longer feel the pain, no more headache, no more body pain, no pain from the bruises and burns, it feels amazing. Finally no more, no more pain.

Clutching the empty bottle of beer in my hand, and open my eyes again and stare at my ceiling, wishing that maybe my house could catch on fire and I would burn down with it, or that some place crashes into my house killing me. I think of any possible situation that involves me dying.

*time skip* (the last one I swear)

Day 7 of being awake

I walk down the street in the blistering cold night. I can feel all the bandages under my coat and it's really uncomfortable. I know where I'm going, I know the exact way there, and I know that I'm not going to come back. Pulling out my phone from my pocket I first text Wendy, thanking her for being there for me, and being my girlfriend and making me feel loved. Then, I text Kenny, thanking him for all the fun times we had and all the times we drank and messed around together.

Finally, I text Kyle, my super best friend. I thank Kyle for everything, for being there for me, all the times we screwed around, taking care of me, putting up with me, and making me feel like someone. Then I text him something about jumping and how I'll finally be free. I look up from my phone, I'm here. The bridge, the same bridge where Heidi Turner tried to jump many years ago.

I hop over to the other side and leave my phone on the ledge, I take off my shoes and leave them next to my shoes. Then I take off my hat, leaving it under my phone so it wouldn't blow away. I take I deep breath and look up, this would be the last time I saw the night sky, the stars seemed brighter than usual and the crescent moon shined right on my face.

I think about the news headline "Local Teen, "Stanley Marsh" found dead. Cause of death unknown, police have found many items near the scene and will be investigating further into the death. His parents and friends were notified."

I left my bracelet at home, I would die Stan Marsh, not Toolshed. They would probably find out sooner or later that I was Toolshed though, but I don't really care anymore. Taking another deep breathe I close my eyes.
1, 2, 3...

Words: 1053
(love cliffhangers 😁)

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