chapter 17 - who are you!?

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Kyle's POV:

It was roughly 2:49a.m., for some reason I was still awake, I was just scrolling through social media because I wasn't tired yet. I hit a picture of Wendy and Stan, their both at the mall and Wendy's kissing Stan on the cheek. I see Bebe in the background and she doesn't look to amused by it, kind of like I am. I feel jealously slowly seep into me and I quickly scroll past the photo before seeing a notification from Stan pop up on the top of my screen. He hasn't texted anyone in days or responded to my texts. I open it and my eyes widen at the text he sent.

Super DUPER Best Friend: Hey Kyle, im sorry i havent responed to any of your messages, I've been really busy lately. Thank you Kyle for everything, for putting up with me, taking care of me, all the times we messed around together, and for making me feel like I'm someone. What I'm about to do is not your fault, and I'm so sorry, but jumping is the only thing that can free me from the pain I feel. Again Kyle, thank you, and I'm sorry.   *sent at 2:47a.m.*

Stan never wrote texts THAT long. Is he going to?.. I can't, I can't let Stan die! I drop my phone on the floor, tears start to fill my eyes. Quickly, I get up from my bed and open my window. I know exactly where he is, there's only one place where others have tried to jump, some succeeded and some failed.


Kenny's POV:

HOLY SHIT! STAN'S GOING TO DO IT! I get up and quickly transform, Kenny wouldn't be able to find Stan, but Mysterion would. I open my window and jump out into the cold blistering night. Where could he be!? Wait, he mentioned jumping, and there's only one place where people try to jump from, Fremont Bridge. The same bridge where Heidi tried to jump from years ago.


Stan's POV:

I step forward, I feel my feet leave the surface, I can feel myself falling down. The cold air brushing against my face, no more pain, no more. But then I stop, I stop falling, how!? I open my eyes again, I'm mid-air and being held by someone. I look up at the person, who the fuck is this!? They have a kite on their back and blue hero suit and a hood or something like that, or a hat?? I don't know.

"Who the fu-" I try to say before them covering my mouth.
"Not a word of this, I don't try to be seen very often. BUT WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!?" They nearly shouts in my face before covering my eyes.
"Don't tell anyone my saw me, if you do, I know where to find you." They threaten and I just nod in response.
"But seriously what the hell is wrong with you!? Why would you try jumping!? Do you know how worried the people who care about you would be!" I can't see what they look like, but I know that they are pissed.
"Why..Why would you care!? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME!" I can feel us stop and I can feel his grip losen.

"Of course I know you Stan Marsh, you play for the hockey team here right? You just don't know me, and for your safety I can't tell you." I can feel myself starting to slip out of his grasp.
"HEY MAN, OR MA'AM OR WHATEVER, IM KIND OF FALLING HERE!" I shout as I feel myself nearly fall, but then I feel them grab my hand and pull me back into grasp.

They don't say anything but I can feel us starting to move again. I had so many questions to ask, like how did they know I was at the bridge or if they were an enemy or a hero as well. I try to get a peak at them again by opening my eyes a little bit but they are already looking at me so I close them. Then I hear a familiar voice call out. "Hey! Hey you! Stop right there and bring him down now!" No way, it was Mysterion.

"Oh shit.." I hear them whisper as we speed up.
"HEY! STOP!" Mysterion calls out again but he sounds farther away now.

I don't open my eyes again or hear Mysterion again, all I felt was the cold air blowing against me and the tight grip of whoever this was. Wait.. Could they be the holder of the missing charm!? There's no way though, or maybe there is a way that they do? Before I could ask I feel my feet touch the ground once again, and I open my eyes. The person in front of me was tall, and had some sort of glasses or goggles on. They had some noticeable freckles on their face and their hands.

"I'm sorry Stan but I can't trust that you won't tell anyone about this, and me." He walks closer to me.
"Okay dude whatever you're going to do you don't have to do it okay? I SWEAR I won't tell anyone! Also creepy, how did you know where I lived?" He doesn't respond but instead he grabs my hand.
"Hey don't touch me!" I pull my hand back and try to punch them but fail, it only caused the pain in my arms to come back.
"I'm sorry." they say while grabbing both my hands this time and pulling out something from their pocket.

I try to make them let go but their grip is firm and they press down harder. I try to kick them I but I miss, then I see them finally open up their hand, some tiny green glowing stone in it. Wait.. GREEN GLOWING STONE!?

"How do you have one of those!? Only Chaos and we have possession of that kind of stone! We use it for... WAIT YOUR'E NOT GOING TO WIPE MY MEMORY RIGHT!? YOU BETTER NOT YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I try to pull away but I see them let out a sigh and then start whispering in some weird language or something.
"HEY MAN STOP! I WON'T TELL ANYONE PLEASE JUST STOP IT NOW!" Then those memories come back. I feel tears start to form in my eyes and fall down my cheeks, wow Stan you're crying in front of a total stranger.

My heart racing and tears rolling down my face were the last thing I remember before everything went dark.


I HATE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH. But I didn't feel like deleting it and writing a whole other one so yeah.. I'm sorry if this sucks 😭.

Words: 1129

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